2169 - ABAWD Not Updated - Contradictory ABAWD Data - Urgent
This daily alert is generated when the batch transaction sent from CalSAWS has an ABAWD effective date, but the ABAWD indicator in MEDS is “0" or blank.
Action Required
- Review the ABAWD status and time limit in CalSAWS and MEDS and update appropriate client data in CalSAWS, run EBDC, review the EDBC Summary page for correct ABAWD Exemption Reason, accept and save the results.
Note: If needed, manually add/remove the ABAWD time limit for a specific month.
- If necessary, submit an SCD 1296 to request an FX20 transaction to update the ABAWD indicator to “1” in MEDS and/or an FX60 transaction to enter the ABAWD status code(s) on [INQG] screen.
Related Topics
2162 - Restriction Not Updated-MEDS Restriction Has Priority - Accept
2166 - Medicare Aid-Code Requires Appropriate HIC-Number - Priority Accept
2168 - ABAWD Not Updated - Client Already ABAWD - Action
2170 - ABAWD Not Updated - Age at ABAWD-Date Indicates Age Exempt - Urgent
2171 - ABAWD-Status Inappropriate Without Food Stamp Eligibility - Action
2172 - ABAWD - Status Inappropriate - Client Not ABAWD Per MEDS - Urgent
2173 - MEDS ABAWD - Status Cannot Be Changed By This Transaction - Action
2175 - OHC Not Updated - MEDS OHC Source Has Priority - Alert
2179 - Birthdate Discrepancy Identified - Check for DOB - Urgent