2171 - ABAWD-Status Inappropriate Without Food Stamp Eligibility - Action
This daily alert is generated when a batch transaction for a specific month sent from CalSAWS to MEDS that contains ABAWD Status information, but CalFesh Aid Code for that month on [INQF] is missing.
Sample Alert
Click herehere to view the sample alert.
Possible Screens To Resolve This Alert
- The [INQF] screenscreen displays the CalFresh Aid Code, used to compare CalFresh eligibility in CalSAWS for a specific month indicated on the [INWD] screen above.
- The [INQG] screenscreen is used to verify if the ABAWD status code for a specific month is present or not.
- The EDBC Summary page and the Time Limit Summary page are used to verify CalFresh benefit and the ABAWD Clock Status.
Action Required
- Review CF eligibility in CalSAWS and MEDS for a specific month and year, displayed on the [INWD] screen.
- Correct CF eligibility for the affected month in CalSAWS, run EBDC, check ABAWD Status, and accept and save the results.
- Check MEDS in two working days for CF aid code posted to [INQF] screen.
- If the client does not qualify CF for the affected month, update the ABAWD time limit.
Related Topics
2162 - Restriction Not Updated-MEDS Restriction Has Priority - Accept
2166 - Medicare Aid-Code Requires Appropriate HIC-Number - Priority Accept
2168 - ABAWD Not Updated - Client Already ABAWD - Action
2169 - ABAWD Not Updated - Contradictory ABAWD Data - Urgent
2170 - ABAWD Not Updated - Age at ABAWD-Date Indicates Age Exempt - Urgent
2172 - ABAWD - Status Inappropriate - Client Not ABAWD Per MEDS - Urgent
2173 - MEDS ABAWD - Status Cannot Be Changed By This Transaction - Action
2175 - OHC Not Updated - MEDS OHC Source Has Priority - Alert
2179 - Birthdate Discrepancy Identified - Check for DOB - Urgent