Accessing TRAC
Refer to the following MEDS Handbook sections:
- "Log on Process" for steps on how to log onto TRAC.
- "Navigation" for ways to navigate through the TRAC screens.
- "Online Inquiry/Screens" for an overview of inquiry screens and update screens.
- "Screen Displays" for more information on various screens, such as IINQ, KSUM, PSUM, TCAL, and KCAL.
Update Screens
Only users with update access (MTOs and Expert TOA Workers) may update records of Santa Clara County or entered by Santa Clara County on the Update Screens.
UNCP - Non-Cal Participation Update Screen
The UNPC screenUNPC screen allows the user to add, modify or delete non-California program participation information.
UDIV - Diversion Update Screen
The UDIV screenUDIV screen allows the user to add, modify or delete Diversion program and payment information.
UCSR - Child Support Reimbursement Update Screen
The UCSR screenUCSR screen allows the user to add, modify or delete information regarding the collection of child support that reimburses the assistance payments made to an individual.
USSO - Supportive Services Only Update Screen
The USSO screenUSSO screen allows the user to add, modify, or delete information regarding the receipt, by an individual, of Employment Services supportive service payments.
UPRG - Program Participation Update Screen
The UPRG screenUPRG screen allows the user to add, modify or delete records regarding program participation.
Field | Explanation |
Program Type Code | Mandatory |
Aid Code | Mandatory |
Case Serial Number | Mandatory |
Program Start Date | Format must be: MM/DD/YYYY (Mandatory) |
Program End Date |
Format must be: MM/DD/YYYY (Mandatory) Note: System Default is 12/31/9999 |
Program Start Month | Format must be: MM/YYYY (Mandatory) |
Program End Month | Format must be: MM/YYYY (Mandatory) |
Federal State Indicator | Entry must be “F,” “S” or “N” |
Participant Type Code | Entry must be “A” or “C” |
Minor Parent Flag | Entry must be “Y” or “N” |
Discontinuance Reason Code | Mandatory if there is a “Program End Date” |
UPEX - Exception Update Screen
The UPEX screenUPEX screen allows the user to add, modify or delete records regarding program exceptions. Users with update access, from the county that owns the record, may add, update or delete a record. Mandatory fields must be filled in when adding or updating a record.
Fields | Explanation |
Case Serial Number | Mandatory |
FBU | Optional |
Person Number | Optional |
Aid Code | Mandatory |
Type Code | Mandatory |
Reason Code | Mandatory |
Start Date | Format must be: MM/DD/YYYY (Mandatory) |
End Date | Format must be: MM/DD/YYYY (Mandatory) |
Start Month | Format must be: MM/YYYY (Mandatory) |
End Month | Format must be: MM/YYYY (Mandatory) |
Related Topics
WDTIP Exemption/Extender Codes
Program Exception Reason Type Codes