Apparently Eligible

[EAS 81-215.31]

Applicants must be “apparently eligible” for CalWORKs in order to be considered for the Diversion program.

“Apparently eligible” means that the information provided on the “Statement of Facts for Cash Aid, CalFresh, and Medi-Cal/CMSP” (SAWS 2) and information otherwise available indicates that the applicant would be eligible for CalWORKs if the information was verified.

In order to be “apparently eligible”:

  • The applicant must provide I.D. and proof of residency.
  • An immigrant applicant must provide verification of eligible residence status.
  • A pregnant woman with no other eligible child(ren) must provide acceptable medical verification of the pregnancy.

Note: To be “apparently eligible”, an applicant for Diversion does not require a Family Support referral for child support. When a child support referral is made, any benefits received go directly to the client. Any child support collected is not used to offset the Diversion payment. [EAS 81-215.6]


An applicant is a person who requests aid or a person on whose behalf a request for aid is made. A one-day break in aid qualifies a person as an applicant.

Related Topics


Diversion and Incentive Periods

Time Limits

Exploring Eligibility

Referral to Resources

Intake EW Action

Referral Process to Employment Counselor (EC)


Diversion Candidate Determination

Assessment Process

Final Evaluation/Assessment

Applicant's Choice


Reapplication for CalWORKs