Assessment Process

Family Financial Evaluation

The “Financial Evaluation” (SCD 1438) may be completed to review and evaluate the financial situation of the family. The object is to evaluate last month’s, this month’s and next month’s finances. Does the income cover the client’s expenses? If not, how do they intend to support themselves?

  • Can we help? (i.e., application for unemployment benefits, help them obtain child support, etc.)
  • Is the situation temporary?
  • What will it take to make them self-sufficient?

If there is no solution, or possibility of immediate employment, this is not a likely candidate for Diversion. If their income covers their expenses, this may be a strong candidate for Diversion.

The SCD 1438 is a suggested form; it is not required.

Customer Survey

The following areas may be explored to evaluate the stability of the family and potential obstacles or barriers to self-sufficiency. This information can be obtained by the EW, using the “Customer Survey” (SCD 1306) as a guideline. The SCD 1306 covers the following information:

  • Work History/Job Skills
  • Housing
  • Child Care
  • Transportation
  • Health of the Family
  • Pending Legal Issues
  • Motivation, and
  • Finances.

Applicant’s Work History/Job Skills

  • Is their work history consistent
  • Is their work history appropriate to their age
  • Does the length of time on the job reflect stability
    • Was it temporary work
    • How long did they work
  • Are there few gaps in their work history
    • Did they apply for assistance during the gaps
    • Are the gaps in work history explainable (i.e., pregnancy, temporary disability)
  • What are the reasons for leaving employment
  • What did they do on the last job, listed by skills
  • Are their skills in high demand
  • What is their education level
    • Basic
    • Related to work
  • Have they completed any training programs
  • Do their skills need updating
  • Do they have a criminal background (i.e., are they bondable?)
  • Is there a loss of license
  • Do they have job search skills
    • Resume
    • Internet Skills
    • A basic understanding of the labor market?


  • How long have they lived at each address during the last 5 years
  • Reasons for leaving?

Child Care

  • How long have they had their current child care provider
  • Do they have a balance owing to the child care provider
  • What hours will the child care provider cover
  • Is there a back-up child care provider
  • Will the provider give child care for shift work
  • Is the provider authorized for child care payments (i.e., willing to provide an SSN)?

Diversion recipients are eligible for Stage III child care. If there are no Stage III slots available, they may be served in Stage II slots (if there are available slots). When there are no Stage II or III slots, the only child care available is through the CalWORKs cash aid program.


  • How does the family get from place to place (i.e. shopping, appointments)
  • Is public transportation available
  • Can they car pool
  • Do they have a valid California Drivers License
  • What is their Department of Motor Vehicles driving record
  • Do they have a car
    • How reliable is it
    • Do they have car insurance
    • Do they need car repairs
    • What is the repair record of the car?


  • Does anyone in the family have emotional/mental problems
  • Is anyone using drugs
  • Does anyone have any physical handicaps
  • Does anyone have any special needs
  • Has there been an incidence of domestic violence
  • Does anyone have medical needs, if yes, are they chronic or one-time only?

Diversion recipients are not categorically linked to Medi-Cal. Follow the normal application procedures to process the Medi-Cal application.

Pending Legal Issues


  • Do they show up for appointments
  • Are they on time for appointments
  • Are they forthcoming with information or evasive
  • Have they been looking for work
  • What kind of follow-up have they done
  • Do they have a plan
  • Why hasn’t it worked?


  • Do they have credit problems
  • Is their child support income steady
  • Are their earnings steady
  • What are they able to contribute to their needs?

The SCD 1306 is a suggested forms, it is not required.

Family Diversion Contract

Once the EW has determined that the applicant is eligible for the Diversion program, the “Family Diversion Contract” (SCD 1307) must be completed. The SCD 1307 is a mandatory form.

The SCD 1307 is completed by the EW with the applicant so the full process is understood. It designates who is responsible to complete which tasks in order to achieve and resolve any issues affecting the goal for self-sufficiency. The expectations are clear for both the agency and the client. The required timelines are provided. The EW keeps the original copy of the SCD 1307, with the client’s and EW’s signature, in the case record. A photocopy of the signed document is made for the client. An additional photocopy is made of page 3 of the SCD 1307 and sent to the AAC Program Coordinator. Payment is then made.

If both parents are in the home, a separate SCD 1307 must be completed by each parent. Each SCD 1307 must be signed by the EW, the parent (or caretaker) and the second parent (if in the home). This is a family agreement for success.

Related Topics


Diversion and Incentive Periods

Time Limits

Apparently Eligible

Exploring Eligibility

Referral to Resources

Intake EW Action

Referral Process to Employment Counselor (EC)


Diversion Candidate Determination

Final Evaluation/Assessment

Applicant's Choice


Reapplication for CalWORKs