Intake EW Action

When the case is received by the Intake Worker, review the SAWS 1 and the “Statement of Facts for Cash Aid, CalFresh, and/or Medi-Cal/State Run County Medical Services Program (CMSP)” (SAWS 2) for “Apparent Eligibility”. Determine if the applicant might be a likely candidate for the Diversion Program. Refer to Diversion Candidate Determination.

When the applicant appears to be a likely candidate or expresses interest in the Diversion program, the EW must take the following steps.

  1. Explore Diversion Program Criteria:
    1. Determine reason for applicant’s request
    2. Review the applicant’s “Needs” [Refer to “If during Orientation, or at any other time during the Intake process (prior to payment), the applicant expresses interest in the Diversion program and appears to be a likely candidate (or insists on employment services), a referral will be made to the EC for an employment evaluation, if needed. Use the Referral Process to Employment Counselor (EC) procedure. 
    3. Look at Criteria Indicating a Good Candidate [EAS 81-215.32].
    4. Evaluate the “Red Flag Indicators”. Refer to Red Flag Indicators.
    5. Review the “Family Financial Situation”. Refer to Family Financial Evaluation.
    6. Complete the “Customer Survey”. Refer to Customer Survey.
    7. If the applicant seems a likely candidate, go to Step 2.
    8. When the applicant does not appear to meet the criteria for the Diversion Program, take the appropriate denial actions. Refer to Documentation of Eligibility below. Do not go to Step 2.
  2. Refer the applicant to the EC for an employment evaluation, when appropriate. When the evaluation is completed and the goal is approved, proceed to the next step.  Refer to Referral Process to Employment Counselor (EC)
  3. Create the Diversion Program [JA Diversion-Process and Issue Benefits-CalSAWS Help]
  4. Complete the “Family Diversion Contract” (SCD 1307). Refer to Family Diversion Contract.
  5. Verify “Need” items. Refer to Verification.
  6. Make any appropriate referrals to assist the applicant. Refer to Referral to Resources [EAS 81-215.7].
  7. Make Diversion payment. Send denial of CalWORKs/Approval of Diversion NOA (M44-00a)
  8. Transfer case to continuing if CalFresh/Medi-Cal remain open; otherwise, send to closed files.

Note: If the applicant’s situation seems suspicious and a FRED referral is made, this individual may not be a likely candidate for Diversion.

Documentation of Eligibility

The determination of Diversion eligibility is documented as follows:

If the applicant... And... Then Intake EW will...
Clearly does not meet the criteria to be a likely candidate or is not eligible for Diversion, Refer to Persons Ineligible for Diversion
  • Inform the applicant they do not meet the criteria or are not eligible for Diversion,
  • Document on the SAWS 1 next to the “Diversion” box in the County Use Only Section “I/E” (Ineligible), and
  • Process the CalWORKs application.
Appears to meet the criteria to be a likely candidate for the Diversion program, The applicant expresses no interest in exploring the Diversion program,
  • Document on the SAWS 1 next to the “Diversion” box in the County Use Only Section “Refused”,
  • Have the applicant complete the “Informal Application Refusal” (SCD 166), checking the “Diversion” box, and
  • Process the CalWORKs application.
Appears to meet the criteria to be a likely candidate for the Diversion program, The applicant expresses interest in exploring the possibility of a Diversion payment,
  • Discuss in further detail Diversion eligibility with the applicant,
  • Document on the SAWS 1 next to the “Diversion” box in the County Use Only Section “Applied”,
  • Follow procedures in “Intake EW Action” Refer to Intake EW Action.
  • Process CalFresh and Medi-Cal applications, if appropriate.
Appears to meet the criteria to be a likely candidate for the Diversion program, The applicant has expressed interest and then asks (either the EW or EC) to withdraw the Diversion request,
  • Have the applicant complete and sign the “Withdrawal of Application” section of the SCD 166, checking the “Diversion” box, and
  • Process the CalWORKs application.
Is decided to be an excellent candidate for Diversion by the EW and the EC, and is offered the Diversion payment, The applicant refuses the Diversion program payment,
  • Have the applicant complete and sign the “Informal Application Refusal” section of the SCD 166, checking the “Diversion” box, and
  • Process the CalWORKs application.
Is decided to be an excellent candidate for Diversion by the EW and the EC, and offered the Diversion payment, The applicant accepts the Diversion program payment,

If the client receives CalFresh and/or Medi-Cal, transfer the case to Continuing, or

If the client does not receive CalFresh and/or Medi-Cal, change case status to closed.

Is determined not to meet the criteria for a likely Diversion candidate,

Any of the following documents have been started/completed:

  • “Financial Evaluation” (SCD 1438), or
  • “Customer Survey” (SCD 1306), or
  • “Family Diversion Contract” (SCD 1307),
  • Deny the Diversion application using the “Diversion Denial” NOA, and
  • Process the CalWORKs application.
Specifically requests an application for Diversion, The EW determines they are not eligible,
  • Deny the request for Diversion, and
  • Process the CalWORKs application.

If the client persists in their request for Diversion, advise of the Third Party Assessment and Appeals process.

Related Topics


Diversion and Incentive Periods

Time Limits

Apparently Eligible

Exploring Eligibility

Referral to Resources

Referral Process to Employment Counselor (EC)


Diversion Candidate Determination

Assessment Process

Final Evaluation/Assessment

Applicant's Choice


Reapplication for CalWORKs