Diversion and Incentive Periods

Diversion Period

[EAS 81-215.1; 81-215.43]

The Diversion period is the time period represented by the value of the Diversion payment/service divided by the appropriate MAP for the apparently eligible AU at the time of receipt.

In the case of non-cash services, the EW determines the FMV of the services to calculate the Diversion period. Non-cash services offered by the Social Services Agency will have a zero cost as the FMV.


[EAS 81-215.4]


A single mother with two children received a Diversion payment of $2,340 for car repairs on 5/13/01. With a MAP at the time of application of $645, her Diversion period is determined by dividing the total amount issued ($2,340) by MAP ($645) for the AU. ($2,340 divided by $645= 3 months with a remainder of $405.) Any fraction of a whole number resulting from this computation is not counted. Her Diversion period is 3 months.


  • Diversion payment/services: $2,340
  • Divided by MAP for 3 persons: $645
  • Diversion period equals: 3 months (round down)
  • Diversion period is from May 2001 through July 2001.

Successful Diversion

Diversion is considered successful when a Diversion recipient remains off cash aid during the total of the Diversion and Incentive periods.

If both parents in the home sign the “Family Diversion Contract” (SCD 1307), and complete a successful Diversion period, both parents could be eligible to receive a Diversion payment in the future, either together or if they separated.

Diversion from Another County/State

Diversion payments issued by other counties/states are evaluated using this county’s definition of successful Diversion. If the applicant meets our criteria, that individual may be eligible for another Diversion payment.

Reapplication for Diversion

Applicants can receive a Diversion payment again if they have a prior “Successful” Diversion period.

Incentive Period

The Incentive period is the six-month period immediately following the Diversion period. The client must remain off cash assistance for both the Diversion period and the Incentive period in order for the county to get credit for diverting a client from CalWORKs. Eligibility for state incentive payments is determined by statistical tracking outcomes. These outcomes are tracked manually.


Example Example Using the previous example above, the single mother had a 3 month Diversion period, from May, 2006 through July, 2006. The Incentive time period is always the following six months which in this example is from August 2006 through January 2007. 

Related Topics


Time Limits

Apparently Eligible

Exploring Eligibility

Referral to Resources

Intake EW Action

Referral Process to Employment Counselor (EC)


Diversion Candidate Determination

Assessment Process

Final Evaluation/Assessment

Applicant's Choice


Reapplication for CalWORKs