Final Evaluation/Assessment

[EAS 81-215.32]

Once the background information and financial situation have been reviewed, the EW makes the determination as to whether the applicant is likely to benefit from the Diversion program.

Each situation must be evaluated on the family’s unique circumstances at the time of application. The situation must be one that is non-recurring. The applicant must have, or have the potential for, ongoing income to meet the family’s needs. The EC may be consulted at any time, for additional advice, to ask questions, etc.

The EW evaluates the request in terms of the reasonableness of the dollar amount and the required verification of all needs.

In order to make this decision, the EW must use the previous interviews with the applicant and all supporting documentation which may include, but is not limited to:

Denial of Applicant

When the SCD 1438 and/or SCD 1306 have been reviewed and it is determined the applicant is not a good candidate for Diversion, the EW must review the situation with their supervisor. If the decision is to deny the application for Diversion, the EW must:

  • Inform the applicant verbally they are not eligible for Diversion,
  • Send a Diversion denial notice to the applicant, and
  • Process the case for other eligible benefits including CalWORKs, as appropriate.

Should the EW determine the applicant is a good candidate, yet the EC employment evaluation differs, the EW and the EC must discuss the situation. If no resolution is reached, a Third Party Assessment may be requested. The Third Party Assessment is completed by an impartial person with career planning experience. [Refer to Third-Party Assessment Procedure of the CWES Handbook.]

Case Maintenance

The Intake EW maintains the case file while assessing the Diversion plan. All papers collected regarding the Diversion plan, including verification of the need items are to be filed in IDM on F1- Application. When the SCD 1307 is completed, appropriate referrals made and payment completed, the Diversion portion of the case file is closed.

Related Topics


Diversion and Incentive Periods

Time Limits

Apparently Eligible

Exploring Eligibility

Referral to Resources

Intake EW Action

Referral Process to Employment Counselor (EC)


Diversion Candidate Determination

Assessment Process

Final Evaluation/Assessment

Applicant's Choice


Reapplication for CalWORKs