
[EAS 81-215]

Diversion is a payment or services issued for a CalWORKs applicant to help the family meet its needs to survive a short-term crisis. It is meant to help clients maintain self-sufficiency and enter or retain employment while providing immediate services. The EW will assess the family’s unique situation and request for Diversion services. The EC will evaluate the employment needs. The EW (with vocational information from the EC, if appropriate) will decide whether the family can be deterred from receiving cash assistance by receiving a one-time payment or services from Diversion.


[EAS 81-215.2]

All CalWORKs applicants must be informed of the availability of the Diversion program prior to approval of their CalWORKs application. The first informing occurs in Orientation. If interest is expressed, the “Diversion Informing Notice” (SCD 1440) is given to the applicant.

Related Topics

Diversion and Incentive Periods

Time Limits

Apparently Eligible

Exploring Eligibility

Referral to Resources

Intake EW Action

Referral Process to Employment Counselor (EC)


Diversion Candidate Determination

Assessment Process

Final Evaluation/Assessment

Applicant's Choice


Reapplication for CalWORKs