Case Transfers
The Management Analyst must review case information to determine the appropriate office. The cities must be verified to ensure that the case belongs to the correct district office. Not all offices carry the same languages, aid types, etc. Also, within an office there may be special control numbers for assignments specific to language, program, and special indicators.
Any office receiving incorrect cases must notify the Management Analyst that provided the caseload list to request correction and that information must be noted in the Maintain Case Comments window.
Inter-Bureau Transfers (District Office to District Office)
Once the case is reviewed by the EW Supervisor and authorized for transfer, it is the MA assigned to the office that transfers the cases into the appropriate district office caseload number from the Manage Case Assignment window. The Control Clerk for the receiving office is responsible for assigning cases to workers based on their caseload and language percentages.
Reassignments of Caseloads
When cases must be reassigned, each district office has procedures established for each situation. Transfers within offices are approved by Supervisors or OMCs.
Related Topics
"Generic Continuing Caseload Control" (DSR00648R)