Cases Being Held in Control
Reasons for Holding Cases
There are times when cases must be held in Control, such as:
- All workers are at caseload standard and there is no room for assignment.
- Language issues
- CalFresh Reviews
- DDSD decision is in pending status.
Monitoring Cases Being Held in Control
Cases that are being held in Control must be monitored. If there is no room to assign, the SSPM is to be consulted as per district office procedures.
- Cases must be assigned as quickly as possible, following established office priorities.
- Periodic Reports received on unassigned cases require immediate assignment.
- A returned check or correspondence requesting a reply require that the case be assigned immediately.
- District office procedures are to be followed regarding case assignments when a client is in the lobby or a phone message is received for an unassigned case.
- District office procedures are to be followed regarding information on the following reports when received in the Control Clerk worker number:
- Recertifications, Redeterminations, Reinvestigations (RRRs) due
- SAR 7’s received
- Medi-Cal Only Closings
- DTIF, etc.
Related Topics
"Generic Continuing Caseload Control" (DSR00648R)