Making Satisfactory Progress (MSP) - Determining Satisfactory Progress

ECs must consider the following when determining if a WTW participant is making satisfactory progress:

  • Ensure WTW participants clearly understand satisfactory progress standards. Check to see if learning or medical issues exist that are contributing to participants’ lack of satisfactory progress and take appropriate action to assist the participant. The EC should not sanction the participant for lack of satisfactory progress when learning or medical issues exist. The EC should review the case to see whether a WTW Plan modification is needed or if an exemption or good cause applies.
  • If a learning disability is suspected, offer a learning disability screening and explain the benefits of a learning disability evaluation to the WTW participant.
  • Discuss with the participant whether he or she is aware of barriers that hamper his or her ability to maintain satisfactory progress within their assigned activity. If so, assist with needed barrier removal services or WTW Plan modifications.
  • When a potential failure to make satisfactory progress exists, the EC should engage the WTW participant to assess whether additional resources are needed or an alternate activity is required. Revise the WTW Plan to reassign the participant to a more suitable activity based upon identified strengths of the participant.
  • When applicable, and if appropriate, with the permission of the participant, obtain input from the work site supervisor or school counselor regarding suggestions or options that may enhance the likelihood of the participant’s success.


Jane works for a small graphics art business where 75 percent of her time is spent typing. She has very good attendance and work effort. Despite additional typing training, Jane is unable to type 65 WPM as the job requires. As a result, she is laid off by her employer. Although she is considered to not have made satisfactory progress, this would not trigger the noncompliance process. The EC would reassess Jane’s skill set and abilities to see what appropriate activity she should be assigned to help her become successful.

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