Making Satisfactory Progress (MSP) Documentation of Verified Attendance Hours

The SCD 1755A must be reviewed for accuracy and completeness. Any adjustments to the SCD 1755A MUST be noted, initialed by the worker and dated on the SCD 1755A prior to entering the hours of participation into CalWIN and submitting the form to the IDM station for scanning.

All explanations for excused absences and state holidays must be included by the assigned Case Manager EC in the weekly totals, noted on the SCD 1755A, and in CalWIN’s Attendance window and in Journal Detail page.

The following guidelines apply to entering hours of participation into CalSAWS:

  • Hours of attendance reported on the SCD 1755A must be entered into CalSAWS by the 10th working day of each month,
  • Any hours during the week that are determined to be an approved holiday,
  • Any hours during the week that are determined to be an excused absence, not to exceed the 16 hours per month maximum.

The following guidelines apply to selecting drop-down values for verification Source in the [Attendance] tab:

  • Attendance Sheet is selected when the SCD 1755A and/or SCD 1756 is submitted along with any documentation,
  • SAR 7 is selected when the periodic report, Semi-Annual Report (SAR 7), along with the pay stub, is verified in IDM.
  • Pay Stub is selected when the pay stub is received with no attendance sheet,
  • Employer Statement is selected when a documented phone contact with the employer is made or another form of verification other than pay stub/attendance sheet is received such as but not limited to the “Request for Employment Information" (SCD 549A) or “Request for “Request for Information on Termination of Employment” (SCD 549B).
  • Provider Verification is selected for unpaid work activities, such as verification of school attendance, Job Search/Job Readiness activities, or other appropriate verification for a non-paid activity is received, and when attendance report is not received.

Pay Check Stubs

Employment verification, such as paycheck stubs, are not required to be submitted monthly to verify attendance for paid employment activities. Hours of participation in employment related activities may be verified through other sources such as through IDM or earnings information in CalSAWS’s Data Collection. Per federal WPR rules, when pay check stubs from prior months are used to verify WTW participation for future months, this type of verification process is referred to as projection, and has been incorporated into county policy for employment activities.

When projecting hours, the hours from pay check stubs from the most recent SAR 7 available in IDM, or CalSAWS’s earnings information in Data Collection, may be used to verify monthly attendance in paid employment activities for the future six months. When pay check stubs do not include hours worked, but they include the hourly wage and income, hours worked may be computed by dividing the total income by the hourly wage.

Example: Pay check stub shows $1,500 in income and hourly wage shows $10.50/hour. Divide $1,500 by $10.50 and the amount represents 143 hours.

SAR 7 Projection Example

October SAR 7 is due in November and reflects 135 hours worked in October. Client does not turn in SCD 1755A for December. The calculation for obtaining the average is divide 135 hours by 4.33 weeks and the total equals 31 weekly hours of participation to verify weekly participation for the six future months beginning with the month after the month SAR 7 is due (December, January, February, March, April and May).

Attendance Tab

The projected or actual hours are to be entered into the [Attendance] window in CalSAWS. The activity status is also to be updated to “Satisfactory Progress.”

Entering hours

When entering hours in the [Attendance] tab for any WTW activity, enter hours weekly.

The EC will document how the hour computation was derived from pay check stubs (whether actual hours or projected hours used) by entering case comments using the Attendance Report Processing case comments drop-down type.

Example: “February SAR 7 reflects 135 hours of paid employment, which was used to verify 31 weekly hours (135/4.33) of WTW participation in FTE activity for April.”

The Attendance Report Processing case comments type is also to be used for calculation of attendance hours for any other activity.

Related Topics

Making Satisfactory Progress (MSP) Introduction

Making Satisfactory Progress (MSP) - Determining Satisfactory Progress

Making Satisfactory Progress (MSP) - Participation in Welfare-to-Work (WTW) Activities

Making Satisfactory Progress (MSP) - Paid Welfare-to-Work (WTW) Activities

Making Satisfactory Progress (MSP) - Unpaid Welfare-to-Work (WTW) Activities

Making Satisfactory Progress (MSP) Progress Report

Making Satisfactory Progress (MSP) Other Attendance Monitoring

Making Satisfactory Progress (MSP) Attendance Problems