Making Satisfactory Progress (MSP) Other Attendance Monitoring


On a monthly basis the EC will be responsible for monitoring attendance on the “Attendance Verification” (SCD 1755A) and entering the attendance hours in CalWIN. If attendance does not meet the required hours, the EC must take corrective action.

Due Date

The “Attendance Verification” (SCD 1755A) and “Child Care Billing” (SCD 1755B) are due by the 5th day of the month.

Completion of “Attendance Verification” (SCD 1755A)

Completion of the “Attendance Verification” (SCD 1755A) requires that:

  • Clients enter hours attended and zero hours for days not attended on the SCD 1755A and state the reason for the absence on the form.
  • The EC reviews the SCD 1755A to determine which absence(s) to count as excused/unexcused and include in the appropriate CalSAWS [Attendance] window fields.
  • The EC documents the hours that are being counted towards a holiday on the SCD 1755A and initial/date, and input the hours in the appropriate CalSAWS [Attendance] window fields.
  • WTW participants enrolled in school and using unsupervised study time will need to add this activity to a separate column on their “Attendance Verification” (SCD 1755A) along with the school activity, and any other activity.
  • Hours of participation in an approved school program that are part of distance learning/online instruction are to be entered on the SCD 1755A.

Reminder: Excused absences are no longer included as part of the total hours of participation for the activity in CalSAWS. All absences are recorded in the Excused Absence, Unexcused Absence, or Holiday fields.

Forms Used for Monitoring Attendance

When monitoring progress and attendance, the following forms are used:


Form #


All Cases

SCD 1755A

“Attendance Verification”

All Cases

SCD 1766

“Participation and Attendance Alert”

Community College and Private Schools


Report Cards - school status report such as dropped classes or school withdrawal

“Attendance and Excused Absence Requirements Informing Notice” (SCD 53)

The “Attendance and Excused Absence Requirements Informing Notice” (SCD 53) is used to inform clients of the attendance and excused policy that applies to participation in WTW activities. This new notice is to be provided to all new CWES clients or when needed to remind problem clients of attendance requirements.

Related Topics

Making Satisfactory Progress (MSP) Introduction

Making Satisfactory Progress (MSP) - Determining Satisfactory Progress

Making Satisfactory Progress (MSP) - Participation in Welfare-to-Work (WTW) Activities

Making Satisfactory Progress (MSP) - Paid Welfare-to-Work (WTW) Activities

Making Satisfactory Progress (MSP) - Unpaid Welfare-to-Work (WTW) Activities

Making Satisfactory Progress (MSP) Progress Report

Making Satisfactory Progress (MSP) Other Attendance Monitoring

Making Satisfactory Progress (MSP) Attendance Problems