Making Satisfactory Progress (MSP) Progress Report

Service Providers

Services Providers who have daily contact with clients will closely monitor MSP to ensure that CWES students benefit from employment and training activities.

Service Providers are required to maintain attendance and participation records at their sites. Providers will report the status of the client’s participation to the EC. Attendance hours will be entered by the EC.

Service Providers monitor client’s progress and notifies the assigned EC as soon as the issue is discovered as such when the participant is not making satisfactory progress or not meeting participation requirements by completing and forwarding via email the “Participation Problem and Attendance Alert” for SCD 1766.

Note: At the conclusion of meeting with the participant to discuss participation issues, the EC completes section D within 3 working days to provide the outcome of the interview which outlines the steps which may resolve the participation problem; referral to other WTW activities and/or initiation of the noncompliance process.

In addition, Service Providers must review and take into consideration the client’s progress in the current activity(ies) when developing WTW plans, which includes outcomes from case conferences that addressed participation problems. Refer to Welfare-to-Work (WTW) Plan Introduction.

Release of Information (SCD 1029)

The “Release of Information” (SCD 1029) can be completed and forwarded to the service provider to obtain information, such as participation and attendance hours for students enrolled in private schools, or other providers where there is no CWES liaison/representative.

Job Search Services Progress Reporting

Progress is based on attendance and job search. This will be monitored by the assigned ECC EC. Job Search (networking & workshops) verification tracking by the ECC must be completed weekly for the client and entered in the SCD 1755A and in the ECA. The ECC EC will not sign off on these forms until they are satisfied with the completion or progress. Clients will be expected to complete activities indicated on their weekly job search plan. These plans will be prepared by them and assigned ECC EC. Each plan will be individually tailored to the client depending on factors such as experience, special needs, skills, knowledge and ability.

When the client is not making satisfactory progress the Employment Connection staff will notify the case manager.

Non-SB 1232 Colleges/Universities/Private Schools

The following guidelines must be applied to monitor a participant’s academic progress while enrolled in a college either as a SIP or as a result of a Post-Assessment WTW Plan:

  • Be enrolled a minimum of 6 units per semester or quarter,
  • Pass each course with a grade of “C” or a “Pass” for any pass/fail course,
  • Maintain a cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.0 or better,
  • Or have earned a GPA of 2.0 in the previous semester or quarter,
  • Submit a copy of the grade report at the end of each semester or quarter to the assigned EC.


Both the college liaison and the assigned EC must monitor the participant’s attendance during the semester or quarter term by:

  • Verifying that the participant is still enrolled in the courses approved,
  • Reporting any drop in units,
  • Reporting any unexcused absences that exceed one week of class meetings or 10% of total hours the class meets per term.

Note: The client is responsible to submit the “Attendance Verification” (SCD 1755A) to self-certify attendance when non-contracted schools do not provide verification.

Participation Problem and Attendance Alert

The college liaison is required to alert the assigned EC of any participation problems as soon as the issue is discovered. The college liaison and the assigned EC are responsible to work together to identify and resolve any barriers that would assist the participant in improving academic progress. An

outcome of this collaborative action may include participant referral to other WTW activities/providers. The college liaison will notify the assigned EC when a participant:

  • Drops below 6 units,
  • Cumulative or most recent GPA falls below a 2.0,
  • Will be placed on or is on Academic Probation or Academic Progress Probation,

Note: Any related information that reflects that the participant is not making satisfactory progress must be reported by the college liaison.

The college liaison and the participant are required to forward a copy of the grade report to the assigned EC at the end of each term. The college liaison will notify the assigned EC of any participation problems by completing and emailing the “Participation Problem and Attendance Alert” (SCD 1766). Upon receipt of the SCD1766, the assigned EC is to contact the participant by phone or through a face-to-face conference to discuss and review the PPA. Upon completion of the phone or face-to-face interview, the EC completes Section D of the SCD 1766 and via email returns form to the college liaison within 3 working days. Section D will include the outcome of the interview which outlines the steps which may improve academic progress; referral to other WTW activities and/or initiation of the noncompliance process.

Most colleges post grades online for participant to access.

Although the PPA does not apply to non-contracted schools, the EC is responsible to follow-up with the client for any participation problem.

Adult Education Sites

When monitoring a participant’s academic progress while enrolled in an Adult Education Program either as a SIP or as a result of a Post-Assessment WTW Plan, the site representative must:

  • Inform the assigned EC after the first 30 days of enrollment via email the participant’s progress and attendance,
  • Obtain two progress reports for each participant to be completed by the Adult Education instructor utilizing the “Progress Report and Recommendation” form SCD 1768A twice per year due November 1 and May 1,
  • Review each progress report and if any participation problems have been reported by the instructor, completes the SCD1766 and emails the alert to the assigned EC.

The assigned EC will review the participation problem alert with the participant by phone or through a face-to-face conference. Upon completion of the conference, the EC will complete section D of the SCD 1766 and via email returns the form to the Adult Education Representative. Section D will include the outcome of the interview which outlines the steps that may resolve the participation problem; referral to other WTW activities and/or initiation of the noncompliance process.

Progress Report and Recommendation” (SCD 1768A)

The SCD 1768A is a standard internal report that remains with the school and is used by all adult education schools for the instructor to report progress to the school representative; the representative then completes the PPA when there are any problems.


Both the Adult Education and the assigned EC must monitor the participant’s attendance for the duration of the Adult Education Program each month. Two or more unexcused absences per month is considered a participation problem.

Participation Problem and Attendance Alert (SCD 1766)

The Adult Education Representative is required to alert the assigned EC of any participation problems by completing and emailing the SCD 1766 to the assigned EC as soon as the issue is discovered. The Adult Education Representative and the assigned EC are responsible to work together to identify and resolve any barriers that would assist the participant in improving progress and attendance. An outcome of this collaborative action may include participant referral to other WTW activities/providers. The Adult Education Representative will notify the assigned EC when a participant:

  • Is absent more than 10% per month or two unexcused absences in one month,
  • Fails to make satisfactory progress as reported on the PPA,

Note: Any related information that reflects that the participant is not making satisfactory progress must be reported by the adult education representative.

Upon receipt of the SCD 1766, the assigned EC will review the participation problem alert with the participant by phone or through a face-to face conference. Upon completion of the conference, the EC completes Section D of the SCD 1766 and via email returns the form to the Adult Education Representative within 3 working days. Section D includes the outcome of the interview which outlines the steps that may resolve the participation problem; referral to other WTW activities and/or initiation of the noncompliance process.

Related Topics

Making Satisfactory Progress (MSP) Introduction

Making Satisfactory Progress (MSP) - Determining Satisfactory Progress

Making Satisfactory Progress (MSP) - Participation in Welfare-to-Work (WTW) Activities

Making Satisfactory Progress (MSP) - Paid Welfare-to-Work (WTW) Activities

Making Satisfactory Progress (MSP) - Unpaid Welfare-to-Work (WTW) Activities

Making Satisfactory Progress (MSP) Other Attendance Monitoring

Making Satisfactory Progress (MSP) Documentation of Verified Attendance Hours

Making Satisfactory Progress (MSP) Attendance Problems