INQW - Whole Case Inquiry Request

  • Provides online access to information maintained on the MEDS/CDB County ID Cross Reference file.
  • Allows users to identify all members of a case that have been reported to MEDS/CDB.

To Obtain

  • Choose Option ‘W’ from the Inquiry Request Menu [MENU] screen, or
  • From a blank MEDS screen, type INQW and press Enter, or
  • Press the <SHIFT F11> function key.
  • Enter the 2-digit county codeEnter the 2-digit county code and 7-digit County case serial number or the 10-digit CalHEERS case number.

  • The 1-digit FBU code is optional and will limit the search. It is better not to enter the FBU unless the limited search is desired.
  • If no record is found on MEDS/CDB, the message at the bottom of the screen will display as " * NO MATCHING RECORDS FOUND; F3 = RETURN". 


  • This report response screenThis report response screen can only be obtained via the Whole Case Inquiry Request screen. It displays all records from the MEDS/CDB County-ID/CalHEERS Case Number (CCN) Cross Reference file for the requested county, case number or CCN. The records are listed in ascending order by county ID or CCN, case number, family budget unit (FBU) and person number.

  • The report identifies the MEDS-ID associated with each County ID or CalHEERS Case Number, displays the birthdate from the County ID/CCN cross-reference File record and up to 16 characters of the last name, and up to 10 characters of the first name with the middle initial.
  • If the number of records found exceeds what can be displayed on one screen, message "* PRESS PF8 FOR MORE DATA" will be displayed at the bottom of the screen to alert the user that there are more records which can be viewed.
  • If the number of records found exceeds the number that can be displayed on one screen, press <F8> function key for additional pages. Records will be in ascending order.
  • To access the recipient inquiry summary, position the cursor to left of the desired record, enter ‘S’ and press Enter. 
  • Once an inquiry screen is accessed from this report, you may return to this report again by pressing Enter

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