MOPI - MEDS Online POS Inquiry

  • Allows users access to the same POS response messages that the medical providers receive when they do an eligibility inquiry on POS devices. Enables staff to research client/provider problems.
  • The eligibility response messages appear on the screen is the same format as they appear on the receipts the providers print. Messages are pulled from the response transaction and are displayed on the screen.

To Obtain

Related Topics

INQN - Statewide Inquiry for File Clearance

INQW - Whole Case Inquiry Request

INWA - MEDS Worker Alerts

INXT - Temporary Cross Reference File Inquiry Request

ILIS - LIS Client Inquiry Request

ISDX - SSI/SSP Client SDX Inquiry Request

MOPI - MEDS Online POS Inquiry Response Screen

SOCR - SOC Spenddown Case Members/Status