SSN Referral Process (SS10 Transactions)
When the client does not have a SSN or if his/her SSN cannot be validated, the EW must refer the client to the local SSA field office with form MC 194.
The MC 194, which identifies the client by the county identification number and as a public assistance applicant/recipient, serves the following three purposes:
- SSA uses the information provided on the form to capture the county ID number so that the SSA central system in Baltimore can notify our state when the SSN for the client is assigned.
- The SSA office can return the completed MC 194 to the EW verifying that the client has applied for a social security card or replacement card within the 60-day time limit.
- The MC 194 form is also used to verify SSNs and to clear up SSN discrepancies.
For persons without an SSN or those requesting a replacement card, the MC 194 referral triggers the following processes:
- Referral is sent from the local SSA to SSA’s central system in Baltimore. The record sent in the referral contains the client’s Name, SSN, DOB, Sex and the COUNTY-ID as contained on the MC 194.
- SSN is assigned by Baltimore.
- SSA provides the state with a monthly electronic file of all SSNs newly assigned to clients and confirmation of numbers for clients who have requested replacement SSN cards.
- On or about the 1st working day of each month, SS10 CEWAs are generated to the county. These alerts notify the EW of newly assigned SSNs as well as SSN problems encountered.
- When notified of the newly assigned SSN, the EW MUST record the number into CalSAWS on the SSN Detail page within 5 working days. Additional action may or may not be required, depending on the nature of the alert.
- For those SSNs that reported a problem, the EW must take action to clear up the discrepancy within 5 working days.
Refer to MEDS HB County Eligibility Worker Alerts: 4000 - 8999 for the actions required.
- For records that are processed through the Referral process and an SSN has been assigned, DHCS will post a validation code in the SSN-VER field of the client’s MEDS record.
- Both MEDS and SSA data will be displayed on the alert messagesdisplayed on the alert messages. The first line in the DATA-ELEMENT section displays the data contained on MEDS; the second line displays the data contained in SSA’s NUMIDENT File.
Related Topics
Social Security Validation/Referral Processes
Problems Associated with SSN Discrepancies
Daily Update Processing Changes
SSN Validation Process (SS30 Transactions)
Validation/Referral Alert Messages
SSN Data Match for Citizenship/Identity