Validation/Referral Alert Messages
SSN Referral (SS10 transaction) and Validation (SS30 transaction) alert messages fall within the 4000 range (4801 through 4825). If the “4xxx” alert is not resolved after the 60 days from the alert creation date, the MEDS record with an unverified or partially verified SSN-VER code will be placed in Burman status at the Renewal with the alert number 9578. Refer to the Table 4-1 below.
Table 4-1: SSN-VER Codes Placed in Burman Status
SSN-VER Valid User Input |
Codes |
Explanation |
1 |
SSN reported by client, not sight verified/no SSA referral initiated |
2 |
SSN application filed at SSA district office, confirmation received by reporting entity |
3 |
SSN reported by client, sight verified by reporting entity |
5 |
SSN reported by client, not sight verified, SSA referral initiated |
6 |
Client does not have an SSN, SSA referral initiated |
SSN-VER MEDS Generated |
Codes |
Explanation |
7 |
No valid SSN verification status reported by entity reporting the SSN to MEDS |
H |
SSN verified via Title II and Title XVI data match - failed SSA NUMIDENT data match |
I |
SSN verified via Title II data match - failed SSA NUMIDENT data match |
J |
SSN verified via Title XVI data match - failed SSA NUMIDENT data match |
K |
SSN verified via Title II and Title XVI data match - SSN not recognized as an SSN issued by SSA in NUMIDENT data match |
L |
Verification request pending for SSN reported as sight verified |
M |
Verification request pending for SSN reported as not sight verified |
N |
SSN verification failed SSA NUMIDENT data match on birthdate |
O |
SSN verification failed SSA NUMIDENT data match on birthdate and failed Title XVI data match |
P |
SSN verification failed SSA NUMIDENT data match on birthdate and failed Title II data match |
Q |
SSN verification failed SSA NUMIDENT data match on birthdate and failed Title XVI and Title II data match |
S |
SSN verification failed SSA NUMIDENT data match on surname or given name |
T |
SSN verification failed SSA NUMIDENT data match on surname or given name and failed Title XVI data match |
U |
SSN verification failed SSA NUMIDENT data match on surname or given name and failed Title III data match |
V |
SSN verification failed SSA NUMIDENT data match on surname or given name and failed Title XVI and Title II data match |
X |
SSN identified as verified via prior SSN verification process, but SSN verification subsequently removed |
Y |
SSN identified as unverified via prior SSN verification process |
% |
SSN verification failed SSA NUMIDENT data match - probable transcription error identified |
& |
SSN verification failed SSA NUMIDENT data match - SSN not recognized as an SSN issued by SSA |
* |
SSN identified as verified via SVES SSN verification process but SSN verification code subsequently removed by worker |
# |
SSN identified as verified via SVES SSN verification process but SSN verification code subsequently removed by SSI/SSP update |
@ |
Death code verified by SSA via SVES SSN verification process but subsequently removed by worker, also removed SSN verification; this code is temporary and should immediately trigger SSN or SSN Citizenship Verification, and would be updated to L or M. |
! |
SSN failed SSA NUMIDENT data match; given name missing |
Refer to MEDS County Eligibility Worker Alerts: 4000 - 8999 for specific corrective action procedures needed on each of the individual alerts.
Below is a general summary of what steps MUST be taken to clear the CEWAs generated out of the Referral and Validation processes. Within five (5) working days from receipt of the CEWA, the EW MUST review the following:
For detailed guidance to resolve SSN, DOB, and Name discrepancies, refer to MEDS MEDS/CDB Record Changes.
Has the newly assigned SSN already been recorded in CalSAWS on the client’s SSN Detail page? If YES, no further action is required. If NO, enter the SSN on the SSN Detail page.
Has the incorrect SSN been entered in the SSN field on the client’s SSN Detail page? Examples:
- SSN belonging to another family member entered in error?
- The SSN was transposed when entered?
Has an incorrect name been recorded in the Name field on the client’s Individual Demographics Detail page? Examples:
- Was the first name and/or last name misspelled?
- Was the initial of the middle name different?
- Was a nickname used instead of the given name?
- Does the person have an alias and/or other name (e.g., maiden or married) that needs to be entered on the Previous Names page section of the Individual Demographics Detail page?
Example: A client is currently receiving CalWORKs in the name of Stephanie Evertz, her married name. She applied for her SSN when she was single. Her maiden name (and the name under which the SSN was issued) is Stephanie Hastings.
She has never had her SSN changed to reflect her married name. In order to have a successful validation, her name under which the SSN was issued (Stephanie Hastings) must be entered into CalSAWS on the Previous Names page section of the Individual Demographics Detail page. CalSAWS will then generate an alias transaction to MEDS.
Was an incorrect birthdate entered on the Date of Birth field of the Individual Demographics Detail page? Examples:
- Was the DOB inadvertently transposed when entered?
- Was another family member’s DOB accidentally used?
Differences in sex are not critical. In almost all instances, this alert is generated as a result of a data entry error by SSA staff. As long as the sex has been recorded correctly on the client’s Individual Demographics Detail page and matched MEDS, no further action by the EW is required. The EW may wish to advise the client that SSA files report a different sex code.
Incorrect Information on CalSAWS
Incorrect information in CalSAWS MUST be corrected on the individual’s Individual Demographics Detail page/SSN Detail page. CalSAWS will then generate either a:
- MEDS-ID Change (EW10) transaction to MEDS (if the SSN is changed), OR
- Modify (EW12) transaction to MEDS (if the Name, Sex or DOB is changed) if the SSN-VER code is not validated.
Once the incorrect information is corrected, when the next daily Validation process is generated, the [SSN-VER] code on the client’s MEDS/CDB record will be changed by DHCS to an acceptable Validation code (A, B, C, D, E, F, H, I, J, K, or W).
Correct Information on CalSAWS
If no errors are found in CalSAWS, the EW must take the following actions:
- Request sight verification of the Social Security card (if not already in the case record). Compare the number on the card to what is present on the client’s SSN Detail page. Make corrections as necessary.
- Question the client regarding use of another name when applying for their SSN, or the possibility that the person may have more than one SSN. Also, view [INXN] screen that displays other name could be used in MEDS by other entities.
While MEDS can detect someone receiving aid in two or more counties using the SAME SSN, it CANNOT detect the same person using TWO DIFFERENT SSNs with the same name, or two different numbers and two names. Fraud referrals should be made when appropriate.
If the client has used another name when applying for SSN or for a duplicate card, enter the other name onto the Previous Names page section of the Individual Demographics Detail page, CalSAWS will then generate an Alias transaction to MEDS, and at the next daily validation process the client’s SSN should pass SSN Validation.
- Request birthdate verification if not already in case record.
- If, after case review and client contact, it appears that the county has all the correct information recorded into CalSAWS, the EW must follow the procedures listed below:
- Refer client to the local SSA office with an MC 194. Section A through E must be properly completed by the EW to ensure that SSA understands what information we are requesting.
- For clarity, the EW may wish to annotate Section F (Comments) with a brief statement, such as: “Failed the SSN Validation process due to a discrepancy in SSN/Name/DOB.”
- Upon receipt of the completed MC 194 from SSA, the EW MUST follow the procedures listed below:
- Compare the data supplied by SSA with data contained on the client’s Individual Demographics Detail page.
- If the data is the SAME, this problem must be referred to the MEDS Coordinator via a GadWIN ticket, as it is indicative of a systems problem between DHCS and SSA.
- If the data supplied by SSA DIFFERS from what is contained in CalSAWS, but we have verification that our information, not SSA’s, is correct, the client must be re-referred to SSA via another MC 194 to have their NUMIDENT File corrected. In addition to Sections A, B, D and E, the EW must mark the box on Section C indicating “Info on SSA’s NUMIDENT File needs to be corrected.”
SSA will NOT PROCESS updates/changes to their file without acceptable documentation supplied by the client. See reverse side of the MC 194 for a listing of acceptable documents.
When the client returns the completed MC 194 from SSA verifying that SSA has taken action to update the date on the NUMIDENT File, the EW must submit it for imaging.
Related Topics
Social Security Validation/Referral Processes
Problems Associated with SSN Discrepancies
Daily Update Processing Changes
SSN Referral Process (SS10 Transactions)
SSN Validation Process (SS30 Transactions)
SSN Data Match for Citizenship/Identity