Problems Associated with SSN Discrepancies

Due to Federal and State mandates, it is of VITAL IMPORTANCE that EWs take all steps necessary to resolve SSN discrepancies. Failure to take corrective action can cause numerous problems, such as:

Non-Receipt of IEVS Applicant Abstracts

IEVS is SSN-driven. If an applicant’s SSN is not accurately recorded into CalSAWS, the county will not receive an IEVS Applicant Abstract. The IEVS Applicant Abstract displays the following information:

  • Employer/Wage information
  • Unemployment Insurance Benefits (UIB)
  • Disability Insurance Benefits (DIB)
  • Asset information as reported by FTB
  • Social Security Benefits (RSDI)
  • SSI/SSP Benefits
  • Medicare Part A and B
  • Forty Quarter Data, and
  • SSN validation information.

Failure to secure IEVS Applicant information is considered a PAYMENT ERROR which can cause our county to be held liable for Federal and State fiscal sanctions.

Non-Receipt of IEVS Recipient Reports

If a recipient’s SSN is not accurately recorded into CalSAWS, the county will not receive the proper IEVS Recipient Reports for the client. The IEVS Recipient process produces the following reports:

  • New Hire Registry (NHR)
  • Payment Verification System (PVS) which includes UIB, DIB and RSDI data
  • National Prisoner Match (NPM)
  • Integrated Fraud Detection (IFD)

Refer to CP HB Chapter 9: SSA Data & Interfaces, for more information.

Unable to Verify Citizenship/Identity

If the applicant or beneficiary’s SSN is not accurate, it will cause the client to fail the SSN data match for verification of citizenship and identity. As required by the DRA of 2005, Medi-Cal may have to be reduced to restricted scope if the client cannot provide documentation to verify his/her citizenship and identity.

MEDS/CDB Error Messages

Repeated receipt of additional MEDS/CDB alert messages (through both the daily and the quarterly Reconciliation process) which can cause increased workload.

Discrepancies with Other Counties

Inability of other counties to correctly record their client’s SSNs on their MEDS records. As a result, the other county is unable to get accurate IEVS data for their applicants/recipients.

Duplicate Receipt of Aid

Overpayments/overissuances are caused by duplicate receipt of aid in two or more cases or counties.

Inaccurate Reporting

TOA, Diversion Program, MFGs, and the ABAWD work requirements are all contingent on the accuracy of the client’s SSN on the MEDS Network. Failure by the EW to accurately report an SSN can result in a client being denied benefits to which he/she is entitled.

Related Topics

Social Security Validation/Referral Processes


Daily Update Processing Changes

SSN Referral Process (SS10 Transactions)

SSN Validation Process (SS30 Transactions)

Match Criteria Used by SSA

SSN Verification Categories

Validation/Referral Alert Messages

SSN Data Match for Citizenship/Identity