
Documentation of verification to support linking and non-linking factors of eligibility must be made in the Journal page in CalSAWS. The EW must only require verification necessary to establish current or past CalWORKs eligibility, grant amount or the delivery of a current aid payment.

Any verification obtained from the Federal Hub and already on file for Medi-Cal purposes may also be used as verification for the CalWORKs program. However, verification cannot be requested solely for CalWORKs purposes.

"Request for Verification" Form CW 2200

The "Request for Verification" form CW 2200 must be given to the applicant/recipient when verification is needed to establish eligibility for CalWORKs.

Payment of Fees

W & I Code Section 11275.10(b) and EAS 40-126.332

For the CalWORKs program, if it is necessary to pay a fee imposed by a third party to obtain the verification, the County must pay that fee on behalf of the applicant or recipient.

Securing Verification

Securing verification is the joint responsibility of the applicant and the EW. The following steps must be taken:

  1. Eligibility Worker
    1. Informs the applicant of what verification is needed, why it is needed, and how it will be used.
    2. Gives this information verbally. Uses the CW 2200 to request the information in writing and provide the date the verification is due.
  2. Applicant
    1. Cooperates with the EW to the fullest extent possible.
    2. Makes a good faith effort to obtain the requested verification.
    3. Notifies the EW of problems that occur in securing the necessary verification.
  3. Eligibility Worker
    1. Assists the applicant in obtaining necessary verification of eligibility from a third party. Pays any applicable fees to the third party on behalf of the applicant.
    2. Follows current procedures to secure necessary birth verification or financial institution balances.
    3. Keeps the application pending as long as the applicant is assisting in the verification process.
    4. Approves the application when the family provides all necessary verification and complies with all eligibility requirements.
    5. Denies the application when the applicant refuses or fails to cooperate.

Return of Documents

All personal documents received from the applicant must be promptly returned to the applicant after the pertinent information has been imaged into the case.

Release of Information

An “Authorization to Release Information” (SCD 1029), signed by the applicant and, if necessary, by the spouse, must be obtained for each outside contact. This release must list the specific purpose of the contact, as well as the name of the individual or agency contacted. Verification obtained from public records does not require a release of information.

SCD 109 "Clerical Check Sheet"

The EW must complete the “Clerical Check Sheet” (SCD 109) and give it to the designated clerk who will request copies of the verification. Tickle the case or use the flash form for the continuing EW to follow-up.

GEN 853 "Sworn Statement"

For certain types of verification, the applicant/recipient may sign a “Sworn Statement” (GEN 853). The EW must:

  • Journal the justification for the use of the affidavit in CalSAWS.
  • Explain to the client the purpose of the GEN 853 and the penalty for perjury.

Note: When a client completes the GEN 853, the EW must sign and date the bottom left hand section as the witness to the client's statement and signature. If this is not completed in the presence of the EW, it should be notarized by a notary public. When the witness section is not completed, it is not truly an affidavit.

See individual sections in this handbook for the type of evidence that must be obtained for proper verification.

Collateral Contacts

Well-documented collateral contacts are acceptable verification under some circumstances. When the client is unable to obtain verification of any fact, the EW must assist the client by making a collateral contact. A signed SCD 1029 authorizing the contact must be on file. The EW must document the following:

  • Why the client is unable to get the information,
  • To whom they spoke and the individual's title,
  • The date of the conversation, and
  • The information received or any other pertinent details.

Whenever possible, the EW must follow up the telephone conversation by getting written verification of the facts. The EW must ensure receipt of the requested information and do any other necessary follow-up.

Related Topics


Time Frames




Verification Needed to Establish Eligibility

Case Record Forms

Loss of Contact/Whereabouts Unknown

Medi-Cal Eligibility

Determining County of Responsibility

Client Resides in Another County

CalWORKs Verification Chart