Time Frames

[EAS 40-126]

The determination of eligibility, including the gathering of any necessary evidence, must be completed promptly. One of the following must be provided to the applicant within 45 days from the date of application:

  • An aid payment.
  • A notice of denial.
  • An approval notice.


Within ten calendar days of the date of application, the EW must provide to the applicant a written notification of the required verifications and examples of alternate evidence, if any, which would also be acceptable. This generally occurs during the initial intake interview. The “Request for Verification” (CW 2200) must be used to document that the client has received written notification of the necessary verifications.

If the applicant fails to attend the initial interview or requests that the interview be rescheduled beyond the ten days, then the ten-day requirement will be waived.

Delay Beyond 45 Days

The inability to complete the eligibility determination within the 45-day period is not a basis for denying the application, unless the delay is caused by the applicant's refusal to participate in the gathering of the required evidence. The specified time limit may be exceeded in situations where completion of the determination of eligibility is delayed due to circumstances beyond the control of the EW. These situations include:

  • The inability on the part of the applicant to provide necessary clarification.
  • The application was made prior to the date that the applicant meets the eligibility requirements and the 45-day period terminates before the application is processed.
  • The failure or delay on the part of the examining physician to provide the needed information.

“Agency” Caused

“Agency caused” delays are defined as:

  • Failure of the EW to timely request essential verification information.
  • Failure by the EW to timely review the applicant’s application.
  • Failure by the Agency to timely schedule the applicant's interview.

“Other” Cause

Any other reason for the delay in processing the application is defined as “Other”.


When the failure to process the application timely is a result of a combination of “agency” delay and “other” delay, the EW must determine if the application would have been processed in a timely manner but the agency caused the significant delay. If the agency was a significant cause of the delay, the incident would be reported as an agency caused delay.

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