Determining County of Responsibility

The county where the applicant lives is responsible for:

  • Accepting the application, and
  • Taking all actions necessary to determine eligibility or ineligibility, and
  • Granting or denying aid benefits.

The county where the applicant is physically present when the application is made is considered to be where the applicant lives.


The following exceptions apply:

IF an applicant... THEN the individual is considered...
Is in one county but has previously resided in another county and expects to return to the other county within 45 days, A resident of the other county.
Example: Applicant applies in Santa Clara County. She left Sonoma County 3 days ago and plans on returning to Sonoma County in 3 weeks. She is considered a resident of Sonoma County.


IF an applicant... THEN the individual is considered...
Is an inpatient in a state hospital or who has been released from inpatient status from such a hospital for a period of less than three years, To live in the county from which the individual was admitted.

To determine the three year period:

  • The three years start on the day following the patient's release from the hospital and this period is not considered to be interrupted by a temporary period of rehospitalization in a state hospital which is for 10 days or less.
  • At the end of the three-year period following release from the state hospital, the county of residence is determined in the same manner as for any other applicant.


IF an applicant... THEN the individual is considered to...
Is an inpatient in a public or private institution, Live in the county from which they were admitted for as long as inpatient status continues.
Has had to secure treatment and is currently receiving care in a medical facility which is outside of the county the client normally resides, Live in the county in which a living arrangement was maintained outside of a medical facility.
Is absent from the state but retains California residency, Reside in the county where living prior to leaving the state.

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Verification Needed to Establish Eligibility

Case Record Forms

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CalWORKs Verification Chart