

All applicant/recipient information is confidential and is released only upon written request.

Release of Confidential Information

When the applicant/recipient is present with his authorized representative, no written authorization is required for that particular occasion.

The written authorization must be dated and expires one year later or sooner if the applicant withdraws his authorization in writing. Any limitation or conditions imposed by the client in his authorization must be honored.

Release to Other Agencies

Confidential information may be released to other welfare departments or health agencies without the authorization of the applicant or recipient, provided such agency's records are confidential and the information is necessary to serve the applicant/recipient.

Confidential information may also be released to the following officials without the authorization of the applicant or recipient, providing the request relates to administration of public welfare:

  • Grand Jury members
  • District Attorney
  • County Counsel, and
  • Legislative committees.

Release by Telephone Call

If information is released by telephone, the EW must be certain of the identity of the caller.

Information can be released by telephone only if the client and their representative are both on the telephone at the same time.

Release by Court Order

Information may be released by Court Order. The EW must produce the records, advising the legal officer receiving them that they are confidential in nature.

Limited Information Sharing

With the implementation of CalWORKs and the increased involvement of various community partners who are assisting our families in becoming self-sufficient, it is necessary to use an acknowledgment of limited information sharing. An acknowledgment informs our clients that we may share limited information about them and/or the persons for whom they are receiving CalWORKs. The information shared is directly connected to the administration of the CalWORKs program and eligibility to services or benefits provided by community partners.

Acknowledgment Form SCD 103

As part of the Intake and RD process, it is required that all CalWORKs clients be given an “Acknowledgment of the Limited Sharing of Information for the Administration of the CalWORKs Program” (SCD 103). The client and the EW are both required to sign and date the SCD 103. The original is to be imaged into the case and a copy given to the client.

The signing of the SCD 103 is not a condition of CalWORKs eligibility and therefore not mandatory. The client must be informed that refusal to sign will NOT jeopardize their CalWORKs or Medi-Cal benefits.

If the client refuses to sign the SCD 103 after being informed of the benefits other agencies may provide, the EW must document their refusal on the bottom of the form.

Information Sharing between Healthy Families, Healthy Kids and Medi-Cal (CalWORKs)

With the implementation of the Children’s Health Initiative, it has become necessary for our Agency to share Medi-Cal information with others involved in the application process. A consent to release information is to be used to allow the sharing of specific information between he Santa Clara County Social Services Agency, Valley Health and hospital System, and the Santa Clara Family Health Plan to ensure that children access medical insurance through the program that is most advantageous to the family.

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Time Frames





Verification Needed to Establish Eligibility

Case Record Forms

Loss of Contact/Whereabouts Unknown

Medi-Cal Eligibility

Determining County of Responsibility

Client Resides in Another County

CalWORKs Verification Chart