
An application is denied when:

  • Proof of ineligibility for CalWORKs or for certification for Medi-Cal as medically needed is obtained.
    • This does not apply when the applicant will become eligible within 60 days of the application. Refer to Deferrals.
  • All reasonable facts concerning eligibility are examined without being able to establish eligibility.
  • The applicant’s whereabouts are unknown (i.e., mail returned, FRED notification).
  • The applicant fails to sign the completed SAWS 2.
  • The parent refuses to accept reasonable employment or employment-related training when either is appropriate.
  • The parent who is available for employment and is physically and mentally able to work refuses to participate with Employment Services.
  • The applicant establishes residence in another state before the determination of eligibility is completed.
  • Failure to cooperate.
  • Refusal to cooperate.
  • Ineligibility occurs after the legal beginning date of aid but before action is taken to grant aid.


The applicant applies in April, meets eligibility conditions for April, but does not meet eligibility conditions in May. If verifications are not received until May and the EW cannot grant aid in May (because the applicant became ineligible on May 1st), then aid is denied for April and May.

On the other hand, if verifications were received in April and the EW is ready to authorize aid, aid should be granted for April. The approval notice must be returned to the EW and a notation made that eligibility exists for one month only. A discontinuance notice should also be sent effective the end of April as there is no eligibility in May.

Refusal to Cooperate

If the applicant refuses, either orally or in writing, to cooperate in the determination of eligibility, the EW must deny the application for refusal to cooperate.

Failure to Cooperate

An application must be denied for failure to cooperate when a presumption of noncooperation is made, unless the applicant made an obvious refusal.

The EW must allow sufficient time for the applicant to secure and provide the requested verification. The applicant must be allowed at least 10 days from the date of the request/notification to provide the verification.

Rescission of Denial

[EAS 40-126.342]


A denied application shall be rescinded and aid granted if the applicant is otherwise eligible. The applicant's beginning date of aid is based upon the original application date when:

  • The initial application denial is based solely on the applicant’s failure to cooperate in providing verification to establish eligibility, and
  • The requested verification is received within 30 calendar days of the date of the denial.


An individual applies for CalWORKs on August 5, and it is determined that they own property which may cause the family to be ineligible. The EW gives the individual a "Request for Verification" (CW 2200), stating that they must provide evidence of the value of the property. A return appointment is scheduled for two weeks (August 19), based upon the applicant's statement that the evidence could not be secured until that date.

The applicant does not keep that appointment, however the following day the applicant calls and reschedules the appointment for August 27. The applicant misses the second appointment and the EW sends another CW 2200, stating what is needed and giving the applicant an additional ten days, until September 6th.

The applicant does not respond to the EW's letter, so the EW denies the application on September 6th for failure to cooperate.

If the applicant were to provide the verification of the value of the property within 30 days from the date of the denial, eligibility must be cleared and the beginning date of aid is based upon the original application.

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Time Frames




Verification Needed to Establish Eligibility

Case Record Forms

Loss of Contact/Whereabouts Unknown

Medi-Cal Eligibility

Determining County of Responsibility

Client Resides in Another County

CalWORKs Verification Chart