Verification Needed to Establish Eligibility


When determining deprivation, EWs must explore eligibility under ALL possible aid categories.


Verification of death (death certificate or other) must be in the case record.

If the only available verification is the client's affidavit (e.g., the parent died in Vietnam and no records are available), the affidavit must be approved by the District Office Manager.

Explore the possibility of Social Security Survivor's Benefits with the applicant. Refer to Deprivation of Parental Support or Care.


Current medical verification must be on file. Refer to Deprivation.


CW 2.1's must be completed and signed for each absent parent and for the parents of minor parents.

Referrals to the LCSA must be made, unless the applicant wishes to claim good cause.

If less than a 30-day break in aid, no DCSS referral is needed unless new information is available.


All U-parents must file a claim for UIB. Verification of the claim must be on file.

A “Request for Information From Employer” (SCD 549) must be on file if the parent has quit or lost a job within last 6 months.

Note: The applicant U-parent must have worked less than 100 hours in the four weeks (28 calendar days) prior to the beginning date of aid.

Age, Residence and Citizenship

Verification of age, residence, citizenship and/or "qualified alien" status for each individual must be provided and on file. All school age children (aged 6 - 17, 18, if applicable) must meet the school attendance requirement.

The unmarried minor parent under the age of 18 must live in an appropriate adult supervised living arrangement, or meet an exception in order to receive CalWORKs for themselves and their child.

Birth Certificates

Birth certificates or other acceptable verification must be on file for all AU members.

If the applicant's/recipient's birth certificates are viewed, but cannot be imaged, the pertinent information listed below must be recorded on a blank sheet of paper and imaged into the case.

  • The issuing authority (state, county, church, etc.)
  • Name of child
  • Name of father and mother
  • Date of birth
  • Place of birth
  • Any identifying information including all identifying numbers.

If unable to provide acceptable verification at the time of application, a "Sworn Statement" (GEN 853) must be obtained from the parent for all children in the AU. Birth certificates can be obtained by our agency, following the procedures in "Clerical Check Sheet" SCD 109.

Set up the case giving the applicant 90 days in which to obtain birth certificates for all family members included in the AU. Create a Reminder in CalSAWS to follow up prior to the due date.


The identity of all adult CalWORKs applicants must be verified in person to complete the application and eligibility determination process with limited exceptions. The identity requirement also applies to CalWORKs application interviews completed telephonically or through other electronic means.

Exceptions to In-Person Identification

CalWORKs applicants who received CalFresh, Medi-Cal, or CalWORKs prior to July 1, 2018, who are already known to the Statewide Automated Welfare System (SAWS) and whose photo identification is part of their electronic case records, are not required to come in-person to the office to resubmit their photo identification as part of the verification process, unless the worker has reason to request in-person identity verification in the course of gathering of documentation necessary to make an eligibility determination.

Continuing current practice, when evidence of identity is conflicting, inconsistent or incomplete, workers must require in-person identity verification of applicants, even if already known to the SAWS, to confirm eligibility.

Immediate Needs

A county may issue benefits to a CalWORKs applicant prior to the applicant presenting his or her photo ID in person, under limited circumstances:

  • If the applicant is in immediate need of benefits, the county shall verify the applicant’s eligibility for aid and verify their identity within 15 working days from the date of receipt of the Immediate Need payment request.
  • When acceptable photo ID does not exist, an applicant’s sworn statement under penalty of perjury regarding identity will be considered sufficient temporarily. The applicant must still present his or her photo identification in-person within 15 working days for benefits to be continued.

Employment Services

The "Welfare to Work Core and Non-Core Activities" form (SCD 298) must be given to all CalWORKs applicants and recipients at intake and redetermination.

Income Eligibility

Income eligibility must be established prior to approval of aid. The client must apply for all sources of potential income. Refer to Potentially Available Income [EAS 82-610, 44-103].

Verification of income must be on file.

Related Topics


Time Frames





Case Record Forms

Loss of Contact/Whereabouts Unknown

Medi-Cal Eligibility

Determining County of Responsibility

Client Resides in Another County

CalWORKs Verification Chart