Loss of Contact/Whereabouts Unknown

When whereabouts of the AU are unknown, the EW must attempt to contact the applicant/recipient to verify residency. If the AU does not report a change of address verbally, in writing, or on their SAR 7 form, and mail sent to the only known address returns as undeliverable or without any forwarding address, the EW must attempt to reach the AU to resolve the conflicting information. If mail has been returned as “undeliverable” or “addressee unknown” and the client submits a SAR 7 without reporting a change of address, the EW must send a notice of incomplete SAR 7 form. After this notice, and the documented Balderas attempt at personal contact, the EW shall discontinue cash aid at the end of the reporting period.

Mid-quarter action can be taken to terminate aid when mail has been returned as “undeliverable” or “addressee unknown” if it is determined after notice and the documented Balderas attempt at personal contact that the client has moved out of California. If it is determined after notice and the documented Balderas attempt at personal contact that the client has moved to another county, an ICT should be initiated. If the EW is unable to contact the client to verify whereabouts, then deny or discontinue cash aid by the end of the month in which contact is attempted. A 10-day NOA is not required.

The EW must document the following:

  • How the contact was made,
  • The outcome of the contact,
  • To whom the EW spoke and the individual’s relationship with the client,
  • The date of the contact and or conversation, and
  • Any information pertinent to the contact.

Returned Mail

When mail sent to a client is returned from the Post Office due to an unknown forwarding address, the EW must attempt to contact the client by phone and take actions as follows:    

The EW:   

  1. Receives returned mail from Post-Office
  2. Images the returned mail into the case.
  3. Attempts to contact the client by telephone, if available
IF... AND... THEN...
There is a phone number on file, Contact is made with the client and he/she still lives in the same address,
  • Informs the client of returned mail and ask her/him to contact the post office.
  • Journals any new information received.
There is a phone number on file, Contact is made with the client and the client has moved,
  • Changes the client’s address.
  • Initiates the ICT process if the client has moved to another county. Refer to Inter-County Transfers (ICT)
  • Adds Journal entry.
There is a phone number on file, Phone contact is unsuccessful,
  • Discontinues the CalWORKs program by the end of the month for “Whereabouts Unknown.”
    • Note: A 10-day NOA is not required.

  • Documents all action taken in the Journal page.
There is NO phone number on file,  
  • Discontinues the CalWORKs program by the end of the month for “Whereabouts Unknown.”
    • Note: A 10-day NOA is not required.

  • Documents all action taken in the Journal page.

CWES Mailer Returned

When a CWES mailer is returned, the following steps must be taken:

The CWES:    

  1. Receives returned mail from Post-Office
  2. Images the returned mail into the case
  3. Attempts to contact the client by telephone, if available
IF... AND... THEN...
There is a phone number on file, Contact is made with the client,
  • Forwards an email to the EW and EW Supervisor with any new address information.
  • Journals any new information received.
There is a phone number on file, Phone contact is unsuccessful,
  • Forwards an email to the EW and EW Supervisor to discontinue for “Whereabouts Unknown”, if appropriate.
  • Journals outcome of phone contact and request to discontinue the case.
There is NO phone number on file,  
  • Forwards an email to the EW and EW Supervisor to discontinue for “Whereabouts Unknown”, if appropriate.
  • Journals the outcome of phone contact and request to discontinue the case.

The Eligibility Worker:

  1. Receives an email from CWES that the client’s whereabouts is unknown.”
  2. Discontinues the CalWORKs program by the end of the month., or takes appropriate action as indicated by CWES worker (Responds to the initial CWES email if CalWORKs is not being discontinued and the reason).
    1. Note: A 10-day NOA is not required for a discontinuance.

  3. Initiates ‘ex parte’ review for the Medi-Cal program and ensures that TFS is established in CalSAWS.
    1. Refer to Ex Parte Review.

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Time Frames





Verification Needed to Establish Eligibility

Case Record Forms

Medi-Cal Eligibility

Determining County of Responsibility

Client Resides in Another County

CalWORKs Verification Chart