Orientation and Appraisal - Online CalWORKs Appraisal Tool (OCAT)

OCAT is a Web-based application that consists of a detailed comprehensive appraisal of the strengths, barriers, and overall work readiness of CalWORKs WTW participants. The appraisal is conducted as an interactive interview between the client and the worker utilizing a CalWORKs 2.0 holistic approach. This approach is designed to help improve outcomes for the entire family and is reinforced via “Bridges Out of Poverty," by Ruby K. Payne, which provides a framework for understanding families living in poverty.

All questions of the OCAT are to be completed. A client may choose to skip OCAT questions, but the OCAT must be initiated and recorded as completed. Included in the OCAT is a learning needs section. When the learning needs section is completed, a separate WTW 18 is not required.

OCAT will generate a summary of the client’s Appraisal Summary and a set of Recommendations (ASR) and supportive services needs for the client to be used to develop a CalWORKs 2.0 goal-oriented WTW Plan. The recommendations may include evaluation for family stabilization,

SIP, WTW exemptions, job search and/or an assessment for education training. These recommendations, along with discussion with client, are to be used to determine the next best step for the client in the WTW process. In the case of possible exemptions or family stabilization referrals, these recommendations from OCAT must be evaluated immediately to determine if an exemption from WTW is necessary or if family stabilization services are needed.

Note: OCAT must not be completed for clients receiving RCA (adult only cases). OCAT must be completed for refugee clients with children receiving CalWORKs.

Clients With Language Barriers

For clients with language barriers, such as limited English proficiency, the complete OCAT will not be completed. Clients with limited English proficiency or requiring ESL services must be immediately referred to evaluation for services to address those barriers.

Assistance by a translator or a bilingual EC will be used to complete the employment, education, child care and transportation sections of the tool. Translation is not appropriate for sensitive sections of the tool such as mental health or domestic abuse. In those instances, clients must be referred directly to the appropriate resources rather than using OCAT for screening.

A client cannot be given a learning disabilities screening and/or evaluation in a language other than the client’s primary language. The OCAT learning disabilities screening must not be used in any language other than English. Clients not proficient in English or Spanish must be referred to Assessment if client indicates they have a learning disability need. For clients whose primary language is Spanish, the WTW Learning Needs Screening (WTW 48) can be used outside of OCAT. The WTW Learning Needs Screening (WTW 18 and WTW 48) are the only learning disabilities screening tools that can be used for CalWORKs WTW participants. The forms cannot be translated or used with an interpreter as they have only been validated for use in English and Spanish.

Two-Parent Families

If more than one adult in an assistance unit is required to participate in WTW, an individual private OCAT process must be conducted for each adult.

If one parent is already assigned to an EC and the second parent comes in for orientation, the OCAT process for the second parent will be completed by the assigned EC.

Situations may occur where both adults in a two-parent assistance unit insist on completing the OCAT together rather than separately. This could be due to a variety of reasons, including cultural beliefs and practices, or accommodations for a disability. When faced with these types of situations, the OCAT may be conducted together.

Clients with a Break in Aid/Expired Exemption

The OCAT is required when a client returns from a break in aid of six months or longer. Clients are required to attend a new orientation when there is a break in aid of 30 days or more. If a client’s exemption expires and is scheduled for a new orientation, a new OCAT process is required if the OCAT has not been completed in 6 months.

OCAT Rights and Privacy Form (WTW 47)

At the beginning of an OCAT process, the client must be given a copy of the WTW 47, Online CalWORKs Appraisal Tool Rights and Privacy form. The WTW 47 must be reviewed with the client before conducting the OCAT. The form is intended to ensure all clients understand the purpose of the OCAT and their right to privacy. If a client does not want to sign the form, the EC will note in Case Comments and continue with the appraisal unless the client chooses to not complete the entire OCAT questionnaire. No further action is necessary.

Client Chooses Not Completing OCAT Questionnaire

Clients will be informed during orientation that a thorough completion of the OCAT questionnaire provides accurate results for assisting with development of a WTW Plan. Client are to be encouraged to continue with selected sections of the OCAT to complete the OCAT when they chose to skip a section(s). When client skips section(s), the EC will document in Journal Detail page. OCAT recommendations and the ASR are to be used to complete a WTW Plan.

OCAT Process for English Proficient Clients

The following process must be followed for clients who are proficient in English.

A. The CST:

  • Assigns the case to the EC.

B. The Assigned EC:

  • During Orientation (or individual Orientation), reviews the "Online CalWORKs Appraisal Tool Rights and Privacy" (WTW47) with the client.
  • During Appraisal, initiate OCAT through CalSAWS via the [OCAT] tab in the Maintain Employment Services Participation window, sending the demographic data to OCAT.
  • Logs into the CalSAWS OCAT: ocat.calsaws.net
  • From the OCAT Client List table, search and select the client.
  • From the Interview List Page, selects appraisal record.
  • Open the Questionnaire.
  • Reviews OCAT preamble with the client.
  • Answers and completes all client questions.
  • After exiting Questionnaire, screen will show status as:
    • New Interview Created - Recommendations Must Be Completed.

C. The Assigned EC navigates to the Recommendations Module and review with client:

  1. Reviews the Strengths Page.
  2. Reviews the Recommendations (Work, Education, and/or Barrier Removal) Page.
  3. Review the Family Stabilization Evaluation Page.
  4. Reviews the WTW Exemption, Exception, and Program Waiver Evaluation Page.
  5. Enter Action Plan information with client input, for each Recommendation displayed on the screen, as appropriate for the client.

Note: Additional Action Plans may be added for each Recommendation by clicking [Add icon] and can be removed by clicking (Delete] icon.

  1. Select “Yes” or “No” for each Referral/Evaluation, and “Yes” or “No,” if client accepted.
  2. Questionnaire will lock after recommendations have been completed.
  3. Generate OCAT ASR by selecting Appraisal.
  4. Print the OCAT Questionnaire by selecting the print icon next to the Questionnaire ID on the Interview List. This allows users to print the answers the client provided.
  5. Print and provide a copy of all pages of the Recommendations (Work, Education, and/or Barrier Removal) section of the ASR and give to client. Client and EC signature are not required on the ASR.

D. The Assigned EC navigates to the Preview and Generate ASR Module and review with client:

  1. From the Interview record, clicks Appraisal section header in the Left Navigation Panel.
  2. Clicks Appraisal Preview sub-section to open the Appraisal Preview page.
  3. Reviews the information. If any information is incomplete or requires an update, navigate back to the Questionnaire pages and modify data as needed.
  4. When the ASR is ready, clicks the [Generate ASR] button at the top of the Appraisal Preview page. A message will appear to select either the English or Spanish.
  5. Selects the language questionnaire Radio button and click [Continue] to generate and lock the ASR.

Note: If the Spanish is chosen, the ASR PDF will generate in Spanish. Any free-form entered in the Questionnaire or Action Plans will not be translated to Spanish.

  1. Regardless of language chosen, the English version will be transmitted back to CalSAWS.
  2. Navigates back to the Interview List Page, to see that the Interview is in Complete status. The ASR and Questionnaire are now available for printing from OCAT, if needed.

E. The Assigned EC complete the WTW Plan.

  1. Refers to section Plan Number and Activity Chart to complete WTW Plan.
  2. Forwards WTW 2 and WTW 47 to IDM workstation to be scanned under F6.
  3. Updates CalSAWS Journal Detail page
  4. Verifies First Day Attendance.

F. The HA:

  • Reviews the HA screening process with the client.
  • Completes any OCAT sensitive questions with the client.
  • Refers client to HA services if needed.

OCAT Process for Clients Not Proficient in English

Complete the SCD 1772 for Non-English speaking clients.

OCAT Recommendations

OCAT will generate a series of Recommendations based on client responses to the questionnaire. An Action Plan is required for each recommendation. Below is a list of standardized action plan responses to the most common types of recommendations listed on the ASR. It is highly recommended that EC staff utilize the standardized responses listed in the table below.


Action Plan Responses

For OCAT Recommendation Action Plans select one of the
responses from the Action Plan Responses column.

Refer to WTW 2.

Client declined service.

Refer to Case Comments.

Referral information provided to client.


Related Topics

Orientation and Appraisal Procedures

Orientation and Appraisal - Optional: Group Orientation for Assigned Employment Counselor (EC)

Orientation and Appraisal - WTW Plans for Employed Clients

Orientation and Appraisal - CalWIN Plan Tab

Orientation and Appraisal - CalWORKs 2.0

Orientation and Appraisal - CWES Orientation Presentation

Orientation and Appraisal - Conducting the CWES Orientation

Orientation and Appraisal - Completion of the Appraisal Interview

Orientation and Appraisal - Online CalWORKs Appraisal Tool (OCAT)

Orientation and Appraisal - OCAT Work Readiness Resource

Orientation and Appraisal - CalWORKs Home Visitation

Orientation and Appraisal - Plan # and Activity Chart

Orientation and Appraisal - WTW Activity Assignment Chart

Orientation and Appraisal - Maintain Activity Status in CalWIN

Orientation and Appraisal - Verification

Orientation and Appraisal - Case Documentation