Health Alliance (HA) Services Program Eligibility

The primary goal of the HA is to address the emotional, and drug or alcohol abuse problems of CalWORKs WTW clients. In order to effectively use behavioral health resources, eligibility standards must be established to assure compliance with CWES, DADS and MH standards.

This policy includes categories of eligibility for CalWORKs clients to receive HA services. This policy also includes categories for ineligibility.

Eligible Clients

The following categories of CalWORKs recipients regardless of Medi-Cal status are eligible for HA services:

Nonexempt Status of Clients

  • Are participating in WTW and Cal-Learn programs
  • Are in Good Cause status
  • Are child-only case clients
  • Are in WTW sanctioned status
  • Are family members of CalWORKs clients, including children and family members age 60 and over
  • Are clients ages 16-18 who are attending school full-time
  • Are clients who are registered for Post-Aid Services (these clients are eligible for counseling services for up to 1 year)

Exempt Status Clients

  • Are participating as exempt volunteers in WTW activities (other than counseling), including clients who have a temporary exemption
  • Are exempt due to DV
  • Are exempt due to needed to stay home to provide care to a household member
  • Are pregnant clients who were already receiving HA services prior to becoming pregnant
  • Are pregnant and not currently receiving HA services or clients who have been instructed by their doctor that they cannot work or participate in WTW activities due to their pregnancies
  • Are non-parents caring for a child who is a dependent or ward of the court or at risk for placement in foster care
  • Are medically exempt clients
  • Are joint CalWORKs and DFCS (Common Cases) who are involved in FR Program (AB 429)

Ineligible Clients

The following categories of CalWORKs recipients are not eligible for HA services:

  • Are WTW-sanctioned clients whose CalWORKs case is no longer active. (If they reapply and begin to cure their sanction, they will regain eligibility)
  • Are timed-out clients who were previously receiving HA services while receiving aid. These clients are only eligible for short-term services to help them transfer to another appropriate provider. The length of the transitional period will vary, based on the client's needs and available counseling services.

Related Topics

Health Alliance (HA) Overview

Health Alliance (HA) Services

Health Alliance (HA) Informing Requirements

Health Alliance (HA) Behavioral Health Screening

Health Alliance (HA) Behavioral Health Screening Results

Health Alliance (HA) Confidentiality and Disclosure

Health Alliance (HA) Temporary Absence

Health Alliance (HA) Welfare-to-Work (WTW) Plan

Health Alliance (HA) Participation Requirements

Health Alliance (HA) Support Services

Health Alliance (HA) Referral Procedures

Health Alliance (HA) Termination of Services

Health Alliance (HA) Time on Aid (TOA)

HA Clients Eligible for SSI