Health Alliance (HA) Welfare-to-Work (WTW) Plan

Clients may choose to have their HA activities (substance abuse and mental health services) incorporated into their WTW plan or FS Plan (FS stand-alone or FS integrated). Other mental health and substance abuse hours that are subsequently disclosed at a later date also count as Job Readiness. It is important that when updating CalWIN, that the activities be closed and opened based on being in the plan or outside the plan.

If the client has an existing WTW plan, and if the client choses, the EC may modify the client’s plan to incorporate the HA activities. This modification extends to clients attending Employment Connection activities where the EC III would refer and update the WTW 2 for clients requesting referrals to HA.

If the client is in a pre-assessment activity and chooses to have his/her HA activities integrated into the WTW plan, the AC must develop the plan taking into consideration these activities.

The EC must receive a copy of the SCD 29 before the information regarding a client’s HA activity can be integrated into their WTW plan.

Note: When the client chooses to incorporate other Social Work services into the Family Services (FS) Plan, the SCD 29 is forwarded to the designated FS mailbox slot. Refer to Family Services Program for additional information.]

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