Health Alliance (HA) Behavioral Health Screening

CalWORKs clients who attend the CWES orientation will be screened to help identify AOD and/or MH issues. The Behavioral Health screening tool will be administered by one of the HA service providers. The steps listed below to initiate the Behavioral Health screening process must be taken for all clients who attend a WTW Orientation:

A. The EC 1st Facilitator:

  • Obtains orientation roster (CalWIN and Walk-in rosters) from the front desk.
  • Takes orientation attendance.

B. The EC 2nd Facilitator:

  • Collects orientation roster.
  • Indicates "P" on the Priority column of the walk-in roster and next to the client's name of the CalWIN Roster, if priority client (Example: sanction, 2-parent, WPR case, FTE).
  • Makes two (2) copies of the orientation roster and delivers as follows:
  • Original to A9G unit
  • Copy to HA monitor and places it in the designated basket located in HA cubicle outside the ORE Room.
  • Keeps one copy.
  • Delivers orientation roster and screener forms to the case assignment CST.

C. The HA Speaker:

  • At the end of the orientation, conducts a 5–10 minute HA presentation regarding available HA services and screening tool.

D. The Intake CST:

  • Assigns cases to intake staff.
  • Makes a copy of the orientation roster for HA monitor.
  • Delivers the orientation roster to the designated basket located in HA cubicle outside of the ORE room.

E. The HA Monitor:

  • Picks up the orientation roster from the basket.
  • Monitors orientation roster and behavioral health screening process.
  • Schedules the AOD/MH intake appointment, if needed.
  • Completes the “CalWORKs Community Health Alliance Services Referral” form (SCD 1686), if the service need identified during the AOD/MH intake appointment.

Note: When the client chooses to incorporate HA-related services into the FS Plan, the SCD 29 is forwarded to the designated FS mailbox slot. Refer to Family Services (FS) Program for additional information.

  • Gives a copy of the SCD 1686 to the client.
  • Collects “CalWORKs Client Health Alliance/OCAT Screener Tool” (SCD 2571), if appraisal interview completed prior to the behavioral health screening and distributes it to the assigned EC. If SW referral required, the SCD 1686 is given directly to assigned EC.

Note: Makes sure appointment date, time and location are listed on the SCD 1686.

F. The HA/Social Work Screener:

  • Calls client from the ORE room starting with the priority clients.
  • Administers the Behavioral Health screening tool with the client.
  • Completes the County Use Section of the “CalWORKs Client Health Alliance/OCAT Screener Tool” (SCD 2571).
  • Provides the SCD 2571 to the client to give to their interviewing EC, if appraisal interview not completed. If appraisal interview completed, gives form to the HA Monitor.
  • Refers client to the HA monitor for AOD/MH intake appointment, if required.
  • When in DA crises and/or DA issues revealed, notifies the DA Advocate/Designated Social Worker.

Note: After appraisal interview with EC, the DA Advocate/SW will see the client to address the DA situation.

  • Escorts client as follows:

If the appraisal interview...

Then escort the client to the...

Is completed,


Is not completed,

ORE Room

G. The Assigned/Interviewing EC:

  • Conducts the appraisal interview with the client.
  • Requests the SCD 2571 from the client.
  • Reviews the screening results.

If the screening results indicates...


DA and/or Social Work referral is required,

Makes a DA/Social Work referral per existing business process.

In-House Assessment referral required,

Refers the client to In-House Assessment.

HA provider services required,

Refers the client to the appropriate HA activity.

HA referral not required,

Refers the client to the next appropriate WTW activity(ies).

  • Submits the SCD 2571 form to IDM.
  • Escorts the client as follows:

If the Behavioral Health screening is...

Then escorts the client to the...



Completed and in DA crises

DA Advocate/Designated SW

Not completed,

Orientation Room.

Notifies HA Monitor

  • Client is ready to be screened
  • Client is refusing to be screened.

Instructs the client to wait in the ORE room for the Behavioral Health Screening.

Related Topics

Health Alliance (HA) Overview

Health Alliance (HA) Services

Health Alliance (HA) Services Program Eligibility

Health Alliance (HA) Informing Requirements

Health Alliance (HA) Behavioral Health Screening Results

Health Alliance (HA) Confidentiality and Disclosure

Health Alliance (HA) Temporary Absence

Health Alliance (HA) Welfare-to-Work (WTW) Plan

Health Alliance (HA) Participation Requirements

Health Alliance (HA) Support Services

Health Alliance (HA) Referral Procedures

Health Alliance (HA) Termination of Services

Health Alliance (HA) Time on Aid (TOA)

HA Clients Eligible for SSI