Health Alliance (HA) Confidentiality and Disclosure

A client’s confidentiality must be protected at all times. With the exception of mandated reporting responsibilities associated with child or elder abuse and/or the client is at risk of harm to him/herself or others, information is not to be shared with any other agencies, resource and referral program or to any employee of the agency who is not directly involved in the client’s case, unless a written release of information has been signed or the information is required to be disclosed by law.

When a client chooses not to disclose participation in the HA to their EW or EC, the information must be held confidential by the HA provider.

In these cases, the client must be advised that he/she will NOT be permitted to:

  • Utilize "a temporary absence" to continue to be eligible for CalWORKs when confined to a treatment facility for more than 30 days.
  • Integrate HA activities into their welfare-to-work plan. They must meet their required hours of participation through other CWES activities.
  • Benefit from support services, such as transportation and child care for the specific purpose of participating in HA activities.

The “CalWORKs Treatment Provider Consent to Release Information" (SCD 27) is completed by HA with the client to obtain their consent to release information to EWs or ECs.

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Health Alliance (HA) Temporary Absence

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