Health Alliance (HA) Referral Procedures

Referrals to the HA service providers may be generated by any Social Services Agency staff member. HA referrals may also be made by any education and training site, community based organization, or other agency working with CalWORKs clients. Clients can also self-refer. The referrals are made directly to the HA providers.

When the Cal-Learn provider, PPMM, identifies a mental health or substance abuse service need for Cal-Learn participants, the provider contacts the SSA Cal-Learn EC who initiates the referral as per existing business process.

Completing the Referral

All HA referrals must be made by completing the "CalWORKs Community health Alliance Support Service Referral” (SCD 1686). The SCD 1686 is processed as follows:

Form Section

Who Completes

Action Required


Referring Party or Client

Complete or have the client complete this section.

Have the client sign the form. The client may give verbal consent over the telephone for the referral.


Referring Party

Complete all the information on this section:

  • EW and EC Name
  • Worker Number
  • Telephone Number
  • Email Address
  • Number of months left in the CalWORKs 48-month clock
  • CalWIN WTW status

Check the box for services requested

Enter a brief description of the client’s issues, risks, and/or needs.

Email the SCD 1686 to the appropriate HA service. The SCD 1686 is NOT emailed to the Social Worker

Note: If the SCD 1686 has not been received from the provider, referring party should send a follow-up email to provider.


Service Provider

Complete the “outcome” of the referral

Email the SCD 1686 to the referring party with referral outcome information.

Selecting a Health Alliance Service Provider

Clients may be referred to any service provider listed below. Consideration to the client’s language needs, ethnicity, and/or service provider location must be given when choosing a service provider. The only HA provider that accepts referrals for CalWORKs children is MHST.

HA Provider

Client Ethnicity or
Language Preference

Service Offered

Asian Americans for Community Involvement (AACI)

2400 Moorpark Avenue, Suite 300

San Jose, CA 95128

Phone: (408) 975-2730







Substance abuse and mental health treatment

Psychiatric services

Catholic Charities Santa Clara County (CCSCC)

195 East San Fernando St.

San Jose, CA 95112

Phone: (408) 460-2170

Email Address:




Substance abuse and mental health treatment

Psychiatric services

Gardner Family Care (GFCC)

160 E. Virginia St., Suite 280

San Jose, CA 95112

Phone: (408) 287-6200

Email Address:




Substance abuse and mental health treatment

Psychiatric services

CalWORKs Mental Health Service Team (MHST)

Narvaez Mental Health

1887 Monterey Road, Suite 205

San Jose, CA 95112

Phone: (408) 272-6733

Email Address:





Intensive mental health services

Psychiatric services

Children’s Mental Health Services

If the client needs RESIDENTIAL TREATMENT SERVICES and/or DETOXIFICATION from drugs or alcohol, refer the client to Gateway at 1-800-488-9919.

Referral Results and Attendance Tracking

When the client chooses to incorporate their HA services into their WTW plan and/or FS Plan, the HA provider must complete the FRONT of the “CalWORKs Referral Results” (SCD 29) and emails it to the EC.

Throughout the client’s participation in a HA activity, the HA provider must complete the BACK of the SCD 29 on a monthly basis to verify the client’s actual attendance. The SCD 29 must be emailed to the EC by the 5th working day following the report month.

Related Topics

Health Alliance (HA) Overview

Health Alliance (HA) Services

Health Alliance (HA) Services Program Eligibility

Health Alliance (HA) Informing Requirements

Health Alliance (HA) Behavioral Health Screening

Health Alliance (HA) Behavioral Health Screening Results

Health Alliance (HA) Confidentiality and Disclosure

Health Alliance (HA) Temporary Absence

Health Alliance (HA) Welfare-to-Work (WTW) Plan

Health Alliance (HA) Participation Requirements

Health Alliance (HA) Support Services

Health Alliance (HA) Termination of Services

Health Alliance (HA) Time on Aid (TOA)

HA Clients Eligible for SSI