Health Alliance (HA) Support Services

Child Care, transportation and ancillary expenses are authorized, if needed, to support any HA activity that becomes part of the WTW Plan. Supportive services needs must be reviewed any time there is a modification to the plan.

Legal Barriers

CalWORKs clients receiving HA services may also receive assistance with removing legal barriers, including the PARTIAL payment of certain types of fines, in certain instances and if necessary to support the holistic treatment of and benefit for the client.

Clients needing these services should be referred to the CalWORKs Social Work Unit.

The CalWORKs SW will develop a plan to address legal barriers, including traffic violations and (non-violent) violations related to the issues for which the client is receiving HA services. After all alternative avenues have been explored, if deemed appropriate, a HA client may receive assistance with traffic tickets, court imposed fines, court-ordered classes and DMV-ordered classes up to a maximum of 20% of the original amount.

Exception: Financial assistance cannot be approved for legal barriers involving violence or where there is a victim.

The client must be participating and cooperating with HA services prior to requesting assistance with legal barriers. Financial assistance with legal barriers is only available to clients and is not available to other members of the assistance unit.

Related Topics

Health Alliance (HA) Overview

Health Alliance (HA) Services

Health Alliance (HA) Services Program Eligibility

Health Alliance (HA) Informing Requirements

Health Alliance (HA) Behavioral Health Screening

Health Alliance (HA) Behavioral Health Screening Results

Health Alliance (HA) Confidentiality and Disclosure

Health Alliance (HA) Temporary Absence

Health Alliance (HA) Welfare-to-Work (WTW) Plan

Health Alliance (HA) Participation Requirements

Health Alliance (HA) Referral Procedures

Health Alliance (HA) Termination of Services

Health Alliance (HA) Time on Aid (TOA)

HA Clients Eligible for SSI