Child Care Service - Child Care Structure

[EAS 47-100 to 47-400]

The CalWORKs child care program is jointly administered by the SSA and the APPs in Santa Clara County. The APPs in Santa Clara County are Go Kids, Inc. and Choices for Children.

An APP is an agency that contracts with the CDSS to make payments to another agency or child care provider for the provision of child care and development services.

California Community Colleges also provide child care services to CalWORKs clients. The three-stage child care system is designed to:

  • Help CalWORKs families access short-term child care necessary for the parent to begin work or participation in approved work activities, and
  • Ensure that the family has stable long-term child care necessary to successfully transition out of the CalWORKs.

Refer to CWES Fraud Referrals - Fraud Indicators  for detailed information regarding client and child care provider fraud indicators.

Three Stages of Child Care

The child care system is divided into three stages. Each of the three stages are funded differently and are available to families from different sources. The table below describes each stage and the agency responsible for administering each stage.



Agency Responsible


Stage I immediately begins with the family’s CalWORKs cash aid approval. Stage I child care is available to CWES clients who are on aid and participating in an approved welfare-to-work activity.

Clients who are off cash aid and who are approved and waiting for a Stage II slot may receive Stage I child care services.

Note: Clients waiting for a Stage II slot must be transferred to the APPs as soon as a slot becomes available.



STAGE II may begin when child care is available through one of the APPs, and the County determines stability for the client, or when a recipient is transitioning off aid.

Clients who:

  • Are working and received cash aid at any time during the previous 24 months, or
  • Received a CalWORKs Diversion Payment in the previous 24 months, or
  • Are in an educational or vocational training activity AND are timing-out (CalWORKs 60-month lifetime limit), or
  • Are on-aid AND employed full/part-time may be eligible for STAGE II child care.

Note: Income cannot exceed the State Median Income limit and services cannot be provided for more than two years following the month cash aid was discontinued.

Clients can receive Stage II child care for up to 24 consecutive months from the date cash aid is discontinued.


Go Kids, Inc.

Choices for Children


Stage III provides child care for families no longer served by Stage I or Stage II.

  • Transitioning off cash aid.
  • Diversion

Agencies contracted with the CDSS.

Note: Family’s income must be at or below 85% SMI limit in order for family to qualify for child care services in any stage. Children must be within the age limits of program.

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Child Care Service Discontinuances

Child Care Service - Client Notifying the Provider

Child Care Service Extensions/Changes

Child Care Service - Other Allowable Activities

Child Care Service Stage II

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Child Care Service Referral Process for Stage II

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