Child Care Service Billing

Child Care Billing - SCD 1755B

The SCD 1755B is to be completed by the child care provider. Make sure all appropriate sections are filled out, including the signature and date. The signature on the SCD 1755B cannot be prior to the last day of the billing month.

Process the Child Care Billing (SCD 1755B) and initial the “County Use Only” section

Note: Until TL is cleared the child care provider who is pending TL clearance should maintain records of child care provided in order to bill and have payment made once TL is cleared.

CalWORKs Child Care Reimbursement Report - CCP 2145

The CCP 2145 is the equivalent of the SCD 1755B. Page one of the CCP 2145 is to be completed by the parent. Pages 2-3 are to be completed by the child care provider. The signature date on the CCP 2145 cannot be prior to the last day of care. 

Note: The times and hours on page three of the CCP 2145 can be rounded to the nearest quarter hour (15-minute increments).

The CCP 2145 may be utilized for Stage One Child Care reimbursements, which is automated in the California Statewide Automated System (CalSAWS).  The CCP 2145 was added to CalSAWS on April 4, 2024, and automation for mailing in batch started approximately April 20, 2024, for the child care service month of May 2024.  CalSAWS generates a monthly batch job, usually 10 days prior to the end of the month, and mails the CCP 2145 to the client with an active child care certificate.

The CalWORKs Child Care Reimbursement Report (CCP 2145) replaced the Child Care Reimbursement Request (CSF 141) in CalSAWS. 

Note: The CCP 2145 was intended to replace the Child Care Billing (SCD 1755B) as of May 2024. Although the CCP 2145 is being accepted, the SCD 1755B remains the official child care billing form until further notice.  Only one form needs to be completed for reimbursement. 

Parent Signature Requirements on the CCP 2145

SB 140 was signed into law on September 13, 2023, which allows for child care attendance records or invoices, e.g., CCP 2145, to be processed without a parent’s signature when ALL of the following conditions apply:

  1. The parent has not communicated with the provider for a minimum of seven consecutive days, and
  2. The provider has notified the EC of the parent’s lack of communication, and
  3. The EC has documented on the Journal Detail page in CalSAWS the provider’s unsuccessful attempts to collect the parent’s signature.

Published Plan

A plan for timely child care payments is published in the Guide to Child Care Services for CalWORKs Families and Providers, Licensed Provider Certification/Registration and Changes (SCD 1752) and License-Exempt Home Certification/Registration and Changes (SCD 1753) for child care providers to access and reference. They include all of the following:

  • Child care reimbursement payments will be made within 21 calendar days of the submission of a completed attendance record or invoice. If the EC is unable to make the payment within 21 calendar days due to extenuating circumstances, the child care provider will be notified within three business days of the EC becoming aware of the circumstances causing the delay of reimbursement payment, and
  • If a provider submits an attendance record or invoice for multiple children, and not all individual attendance records or invoices within the submission include adequate information to provide a payment, payments will not be withheld for those attendance records or invoices that do include adequate information to process a payment, and
  • A schedule for the payment of child care services, and
  • Procedures for child care overpayments and underpayments including the child care provider's written consent to recover overpayments.

Incomplete SCD 1755B/CCP 2145

When the SCD 1755B/CCP 2145 is incomplete, the EC cannot process the payment. The form must be sent back to the client along with the Request for Attendance/Child Care Information SCD 2549, explaining what needs to be completed or corrected/any additional information needed. The form is considered incomplete as follows:

 Incomplete if missing SCD 1755B CCP 2145
Provider's signature and correct date X X

Child Care hours/days/weeks/month/rates

Name of child(ren) X X

Parent’s signature and correct date

Exception: The child care provider was unsuccessful in collecting the parent's signature and has not communicated with the provider for a minimum of seven consecutive days. The provider has notified the EC of the parent’s lack of communication.


Attendance Time-In and Time-Out Sheet (Daily Sign In and Daily Sign Out) on page 3 of the CCP 2145.

Note: If a child has a split schedule, the middle Time-out and Time-in columns with the provider's initials must also be completed.



If missing information can be obtained by telephone, the form does not need to be returned to the client and payment can be processed. All actions must be documented in the Journal Detail page in CalSAWS.

Processing Payment

Payment should be made upon receipt of the SCD 1755B/CCP 2145, but no later than 21 calendar days of the submission of the completed SCD 1755B/CCP 2145.

If the Employment Counselor (EC) is unable to make payment within 21 calendar days due to extenuating circumstances, the impacted child care provider will be notified within three business days of the EC becoming aware of the circumstance causing the delay of reimbursement payment. Extenuating circumstances include, but are not limited to, an emergency or payment system malfunction. The EC must notify the child care provider and the client via email, text message, phone call, phone message, or other forms of communication regarding the delay in the child care payment. The EC must document all contacts with the client and provider on the Journal Detail page in CalSAWS. 

If a child care provider submits SCD 1755B/CCP 2145 for multiple children, and not all individual attendance records or invoices within the submission include adequate information to provide a payment, payments will not be withheld for those attendance records or invoices that do include adequate information to process a payment.


When the payment to the provider is different than the amount billed by the provider, the EC must issue the Child Care Payment Adjustment (SCD 1736) to the client. Additionally, if the child care provider returns the Child Care Provider Overpayment Notice and Consent (SCD 1788) and opts to repay the overpayment by child care payment reduction, the SCD 1736 must be issued to the client when processing the Overpayment Adjustment in CalSAWS. Refer to CWES Overpayment Procedures. On the SCD 1736:

  • Enter the month the adjustment is for.
  • Enter the dollar amount you are issuing.
  • Under “Here’s Why”, check the appropriate box followed by the number of hours or weeks.
  • If appropriate, complete the computation in the right hand column.

The EC must contact the provider, and inform them that there is a change in payment. If appropriate, the EC may discuss payment calculations or adjustments with the provider while keeping the client’s personal information confidential. The EC must advise the provider to obtain detailed information from the client. The EC must document all contacts with the provider on the Journal Detail page in CalSAWS. It is the client’s sole responsibility to communicate any changes in their child care to the provider.

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