Child Care Service Approval and Authorization

Authorization is the process in CalSAWS for issuing the supportive service payment. Refer to Child Care Service Licensed Provider and Child Care Service License-Exempt Provider in this chapter for the correct child care authorization process.

“CalWORKs Stage One Child Care Authorization” (CCP 8)

The “CalWORKs Stage One Child Care Authorization” (CCP 8) form must be completed and issued when the CalWORKs cash aid is approved. The form immediately informs the client that he or she is approved for 12 months of continuous child care. The Approval Begin Date is entered with the Begin Date of Cash Aid, and the End Date is the last working day of month 12. The EC will send the completed CCP 8 form to Imaging and enter a Journal Entry in CalSAWS.

Use Journal Type, “WTW” and Short Description, "Child Care," for tracking the 12-month child care approval period.

Note: The client is required to return the completed form, along with the child care packet, to register the child care provider, prior to issuing payment.

CCP 8 Not Received

When a client confirms securing child care, the CCP 8 does not need to be returned to EC. The client or child care provider can confirm verbally, via email, text message, phone message, or other communication.

When WTW participant does not return signed CCP 8, or EC is unable to confirm that child care has been secured or does not receive any communication from the participant that additional time is needed to find child care following 30 days from the date child care is approved, the EC will determine that the lack of child care is no longer a barrier to participation.

“Child Care Approval” NA 832

The “Child Care Approval” (NA 832) must be completed and issued in duplicate to the client when approving child care. The form is typically issued after the CCP 8 is submitted, indicating the need for child care services and selection of child care provider. This document is official notification that CWES will pay for child care. The approval begin date needs to match the approval begin date on the CCP 8. It is the client’s sole responsibility to communicate the approval to the provider.

Note: When a notice is not issued through CalSAWS, a copy of the NOA MUST be forwarded to the Imaging.

Length of Approval

The child care approval period is 12 months.

Completing the “Child Care Approval” NOA - NA 832

The NA 832 notice in CalSAWS is to be completed by the ECs as follows:


If Approving Child Care,


“Child Care Services”

Note: The client’s SSN MUST NEVER be written on the NOAs.

Regardless of duration or type of activity,

Check the 1st box and enter the date child care is to start, and end, which are to match the dates listed on the CCP 8.

Within the “Name of Child(dren)” field, list the name(s) of each child.

Note: If there is not enough room, list only the first name.

Client is an exempt volunteer,

Check the 2nd box for exempt volunteers.

“Child Care Reimbursement”

The recipient has chosen a provider who has already been TL registered or who is exempt from TL,

Check the 3rd box, and


The recipient’s license-exempt provider is required to be TL registered,

This section informs client that if provider is required to be TL registered, payment cannot be issued until TL registration is complete.

Right Side of Notice

For each child,

Complete the table for each eligible child as follows:

  • Child Name: Enter the first and last name of the child.
  • Provider Name: Enter the first and last name of the provider or the name of the licensed facility.
  • Child Care Hours: Enter time description:
  • Full-Time or Part-Time
  • Rate: Enter the reimbursement rate and specify whether this is hourly/daily/weekly/monthly/. Refer to "Rate Categories."
  • Reimbursement Limit: Enter the maximum reimbursement amount for the child.

Note: If there are more than four children, a second page must be printed.


Review the CWES policies and billing/invoice procedures with the client. Make sure the client understands how to fill out the CalWORKs Child Care Reimbursement Report form (CCP 2145).

Remind the client that the child care reimbursement form must be completed by the client and provider and returned by the 5th of each month.

Related Topics

Child Care Service Background

Child Care Service - Child Care Structure

Child Care Service Resources and Referral

Child Care Service Program Eligibility

Child Care Service - Child Care Rates

Child Care Service Licensed Provider

Child Care Service License-Exempt Provider

Child Care Service - Exempt Volunteers

Child Care Service - Payments for Closed Cases

Child Care Service Recertification

Child Care Service Discontinuances

Child Care Service - Client Notifying the Provider

Child Care Service Extensions/Changes

Child Care Service - Other Allowable Activities

Child Care Service Stage II

Child Care Service Screening for Stage II

Child Care Service Referral Process for Stage II

Child Care Service Billing

Child Care Service Payment Principles

Child Care Service Family Fee

Child Care Service Authorizations Online

Child Care Service Cal-OAR Measure

Child Care Service Regional Market Rates (RMR)

Child Care Service Regional Market Rates (RMR) Based on the 2021 Survey

Child Care Service Family Fee Schedule