Child Care Service Stage II

Eligibility for Stage II

Child care in Stage II may be available to former CalWORKs clients who received cash aid under AFDC or CalWORKs at least one month in the 24 months before applying for Stage II Child Care and need child care to continue employment.

Stage II child care services are also available to clients who meet the transfer criteria.

Transfer Criteria: Child care services for clients who meet the criteria below are transferred to the APPs for STAGE II services. The client is:

  • Discontinued from cash aid AND employed (part or full-time), or
  • On cash aid AND employed (part or full-time), or
  • In an educational or vocational training activity AND they are within two months of timing-out from the 60-month CalWORKS.

Exception: Individuals employed through ESE must not be referred to APP until they are notified that they will be discontinued from cash aid. In order to avoid a family fee, the APP referral must be made prior to the effective date of CalWORKs discontinuance.

Family Fees for Recipients

Under no circumstances must CalWORKs families receiving cash aid be charged a family fee, including those transferred to stage 2. These families include a parent who is safety net/timed out or sanctioned second parent.

12-Month Eligibility

Under 12-month eligibility, if the APP referral is made prior to the effective date of CalWORKs discontinuance, there will be no family fee during the 12-month PAS period. When completing the SCD 1776, no income is reported while client is a current cash aid recipient. At the end of the 12-months, the APP will recertify the family, and there may be a family fee.

If the APP referral is made after the effective date of CalWORKs discontinuance, then the income is reported on the SCD 1776 and the client may have a family fee.

85% State Median Income (SMI)

Former CalWORKs clients who are employed may be eligible for Stage I or Stage II child care services if monthly income does not exceed 85 percent of the SMI. Refer to Child Care Service Family Fee Schedule.

Pending Stage II

Former CalWORKs clients who cannot be served in Stage II due to the lack of available child care funding slots in Stage II may receive services in Stage I until they can be transferred to Stage II.

In-Home Providers

Families who meet transfer criteria for CalWORKs Stage Two services, regardless of having an in-home license-exempt provider are to be transferred to CalWORKs Stage Two.   

CalWORKs Stage II APPs shall authorize in-home license-exempt care for families if the parent signs a self-attestation form with the APP acknowledging that they are assuming employer responsibilities for the in-home license-exempt provider and are responsible for complying with any applicable federal and state employment laws.  

24-month Period for Stage II Child Care

The 24-month period for Stage II Child Care begins the first month after the client’s cash aid has been discontinued.

Clients who cannot be transferred from Stage I to Stage II because no slots are available, may receive help with child care costs for up to 24 months, in Stage I and Stage II combined, after cash aid is discontinued or until they are otherwise ineligible for child care within the 24-month period.

Clients Who Move to Santa Clara County

Clients who are discontinued from cash aid in another county, and who move to Santa Clara County within their 24-month Stage II eligibility period may be referred directly to an APP for child care Stage II services.

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