Child Care Service Recertification

Prior to 12 Months

To recertify the child care prior to the end of the 12-month period, a new CCP 8 and NA 832 are issued with a new 12-month period. The Child Care Certificate List page will need to be updated and aligned to match the dates on the new CCP 8 form. If there is a change, such as the child having special needs (exceptional needs, severely handicapped, mental/physical needs, etc.) or non-traditional hours, the Child Care Need Detail page will also need to be updated.

Stage I Child Care recipients do not need to recertify child care eligibility more frequently than once every 12 months unless:

  • Needs for child care have changed (i.e., part-time to full-time; full-time to part-time)
  • Family has a new child who needs child care
  • Child care provider has changed, or
  • Eligible child becomes ineligible.

End of 12 Months

At the conclusion of the 12-month approval period, the EC needs to re-evaluate if the client is eligible for another 12-months. If the client is not participating in WTW, or the second parent is available to provide child care, child care is not recertified. For approval, send a new CCP 8 along with NA 832 with the new 12-month period. EC will update the Child Care Certificate List page to match the dates on the new CCP 8 form. If there is a change, such as the child having special needs (exceptional needs, severely handicapped, mental/physical needs, etc.) or non-traditional hours, the Child Care Need Detail page will also need to be updated. 

If the child care within the approved period changes, then issue the Notice of Action Child Care Services Change (NA 833). When a notice is not issued through CalSAWS, a copy of the NOA MUST be forwarded to Imaging. It is the client’s sole responsibility to communicate the change to the provider.

If the payment to the provider is a different amount from the amount the provider billed, the Child Care Payment Adjustment (SCD 1736) must be issued. Refer to "Adjustments."

Related Topics

Child Care Service Background

Child Care Service - Child Care Structure

Child Care Service Resources and Referral

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Child Care Service Approval and Authorization

Child Care Service Discontinuances

Child Care Service - Client Notifying the Provider

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