Noncompliance - The Compliance Interview

Face-to-Face Interview

The compliance interview should be face-to-face. If a face-to-face is not possible, telephone interviews are permitted. If an interview takes place over the telephone, the action will be documented in the Journal Detail page in CalSAWS.

Rights and Responsibilities

At the interview the EC will review with the client his or her rights, duties, and responsibilities. The review should include the following:

  • Give a general description of the CWES program
  • Explain the reasons for noncompliance and the consequences of failure or refusal to participate in the program
  • Offer the LD screening. Refer to Learning Disability (LD) Screenings.
  • Explore exemptions
  • Explain to the volunteer his or her right to withdraw from participation without loss of cash aid benefits
  • Explain what the client needs to do to correct the participation problem.

Related Topics

Noncompliance Program Requirements

Noncompliance Process

Noncompliance - Failure to Show to Appointment

Noncompliance - Establishing Good Cause/No Good Cause

Noncompliance - Compliance Plan

Noncompliance - No Contact by the 20th Day

Noncompliance - Supervisor Review

Noncompliance - Successful Compliance Plan

Noncompliance - Unsuccessful Compliance Process

Noncompliance - Two-Parent Cases

Noncompliance Teens

Noncompliance - Exemptions

Noncompliance - Financial Sanctions

Noncompliance - Implementing a Welfare-to-Work (WTW) Sanction

Noncompliance - Vendor Payment

Noncompliance - Curing a Sanction