Noncompliance - Establishing Good Cause/No Good Cause

Cause Determination

A cause determination is required when the client is not participating with CWES program requirements. A client may have good cause or no good cause. Good cause may result in a temporary excuse from participation in program. Refer to Deferred/Good Cause in CalSAWS.

The result of the good cause determination must be documented in the Journal Detail page in CalSAWS.

“Good Cause Determination Guidelines” (WTW 26)

The WTW 26 is a recommended form that provides a list of common good cause reasons for nonparticipation to assist the EC in determining good cause. Other good cause reasons for not participating may be presented to the EC.

Good Cause Criteria

An individual may be excused from participation for good cause if he or she qualifies for an exemption, refer to Exemptions Policy or meets one of the good cause criteria, refer to Deferred/Good Cause in CalSAWS.

Note: The WTW exemption for providing care to a young child 0-23 months does not automatically resolve noncompliance or cure a WTW sanction (client must request the exemption to become exempt or agree to a curing sanction plan to participate as a mandatory client). The "CalWORKs Exemption Request Form" (CW 2186A) is to be mailed to the client at the point of initiating the noncompliance process. [Refer to "Noncompliance Process Guidance/Initiating Noncompliance" for additional information.]

Good Cause

If good cause exists the EC will do the following, as appropriate:

  • Determine if the problem(s) causing the noncompliance has been resolved and if the individual can resume participation without further interruption.
  • Identify and arrange for immediate additional supportive services (if needed) that will allow for participation.
  • Determine with the individual if participation in another activity (within regulations) would be appropriate.
  • Determine if a temporary postponement of activity participation is appropriate.
  • Determine if an exemption review is appropriate.
  • Change or stop supportive services as appropriate.
  • Issue the "Determination of Good Cause/No Good Cause" (NA 840A).

“Determination of Good Cause/No Good Cause” (NA 840A)

The NA 840A is used to inform a client who has contacted the county within the 20-day period whether good cause has or has not been granted. It is not used if the client does not contact the county within the 20-day period or submit the "Request for Good Cause Determination" (WTW 27) form, and the county’s effort to establish good cause over the telephone failed.  

[Refer to "Noncompliance Process Guidance/Participant Has Good Cause While in Noncompliance" for additional information.] 

No Good Cause

If there is a determination of no good cause, then a compliance plan must be signed and agreed to by the client. [Refer to "Noncompliance Process Guidance/Participant Does Not Have Good Cause and is Placed in a Compliance Plan" for additional information.]

Related Topics

Noncompliance Program Requirements

Noncompliance Process

Noncompliance - Failure to Show to Appointment

Noncompliance - The Compliance Interview

Noncompliance - Compliance Plan

Noncompliance - No Contact by the 20th Day

Noncompliance - Supervisor Review

Noncompliance - Successful Compliance Plan

Noncompliance - Unsuccessful Compliance Process

Noncompliance - Two-Parent Cases

Noncompliance Teens

Noncompliance - Exemptions

Noncompliance - Financial Sanctions

Noncompliance - Implementing a Welfare-to-Work (WTW) Sanction

Noncompliance - Vendor Payment

Noncompliance - Curing a Sanction