1501 - County ID/MEDS-ID Conflict - Critical
- The 14-digit CNTY-ID sent in the transaction matches a County-ID on the MEDS Network, but the MEDS-ID contained in the transaction does not match the MEDS-ID associated with that CNTY-ID on MEDS/CDB.
- If a CIN is reported in the transaction and that CIN is known to MEDS, alert 1504 will be issued instead of alert 1501.
Refer to Researching and Resolving File Clearance Alerts. Determine which scenario(s) best describes the circumstances for this alert. Follow the steps outlined in that document for the selected scenario.
This alert is generated as a result of one of the following:
Situation #1
The recipient has an erroneous record on the MEDS/CDB County-ID Cross-Reference File.
Action Required
Query the MEDS Network two different ways; one using the MEDS-ID and one using the CNTY-ID. If there are SEPARATE RESPONSES, this is probably a problem with an erroneous record on the Cross-Reference (XREF) File. After going through the proper channels, a ticket must be generated for each record with the relevant MEDS and CalSAWS screen shots attached. The problem will then be referred to the State.
Refer to MEDS-ID/SSN Changes for procedures which must be followed to accomplish SSN changes for Validated SSNs.
Situation #2
Worker entered a new social security number when recording a reapplication or restoring aid.
Action Required
- If the applicant has a previous MEDS/CDB record, do not enter a new social security number. Approve the person in CalSAWS with the same MEDS-ID associated with the CIN on the closed MEDS/CDB record. Otherwise, the approval CANNOT capture that record.
- If the SSN on MEDS/CDB is incorrect, the change may be made AFTER the recipient is approved, provided the SSN hasn’t been Validated by SSA (SSN-VER Code = A through D or J through M indicates validation of SSN).
- If the SSN has been Validated, the erroneous SSN must stay in CalSAWS until the Information Systems Coordinator responsible for MEDS/CDB lifts the Validation Code from the MEDS/CDB record and replaces it with an “R”. After going through the proper channels, a GadWIN ticket must be generated for each record with the relevant MEDS and CalSAWS screen shots attached.
- In the interim, to correct the Add transaction that failed due to entering a different MEDS-ID when recording a reapplication or restoring aid, follow the steps listed below:
- Navigate to the Individual Demographics Detail page
- Select the individual whose record needs correction
- Open/Edit SSN Detail page
- Enter the information that matches MEDS and save
- Rerun EDBC and authorize
- Check MEDS 2 days later
- After the entries reflect on MEDS, re-input the SSN if necessary, and rerun EDBC
- Delete any unnecessary client correspondence that was generated.
Sample Alert
Click herehere to view the sample alert.
Possible Screens to Resolve This Alert
- PerformPerform a Whole Case Inquiry Request INQW for the county serial number.
- Page 1Page 1 of INQW Screen.
- Page 2Page 2 of INQW Screen.
The INQW screen for the transaction county and serial number displays all of the records known to MEDS for that serial number.
Note that there are records for the MFBU of A and the MFBU of 0, each with different SSNs and dates of birth.
- Note thatNote that the associated MEDS IDs for these different MFBUs match the MEDS IDs displayed on the alert.
An inquiryAn inquiry of the XREF MEDS ID displays eligibility information for Right Client. The alert displays transaction information for Wrong Client.
Action Required
Refer to Researching and Resolving File Clearance Alerts. Determine which scenario(s) best describes the circumstances for this alert. Follow the steps outlined in that document for the selected scenario.
Related Topics
1109 - Release Date Cannot Be Earlier Than Incarceration Date - Pri-Rej
1502 - County-ID/Birthdate Conflict - Critical
1503 - Client-Index-Number/MEDS-ID Conflict Critical
1504 - Client Index Number/MEDS-ID VS County-ID/MEDS-ID Conflict - Critical
1506 - Update Transaction - Client Not Known to MEDS - Urgent
1507 - No Matching County-IDs Found For Case Update Transaction - Reject
1508 - SCI CIN/MEDS - ID Conflict - MEDS ID Change Required - Priority Reject
1509 - Two MEDS Records Have Same CIN; Chaining Required - Use EW11 - Priority Accept
1510 - Transaction Failed MEDS Birthdate/Name Match Criteria - Critical