1503 - Client-Index-Number/MEDS-ID Conflict Critical

This alert is generated when:

  • There is a CIN on the transaction that is known to MEDS;
  • The MEDS-ID reported on the transaction does not match the MEDS-ID associated with that CIN on the MEDS CIN Cross Reference File; AND
  • The MEDS-ID reported on the transaction is not a previously used MEDS-ID associated with the CIN Cross Reference File MEDS-ID.

Refer to Researching and Resolving File Clearance Alerts. Determine which scenario(s) best describes the circumstances for this alert. Follow the steps outlined in that document for the selected scenario.

Sample Alert

Click herehere to view the sample alert.

Possible Screens to Resolve This Alert

  1. PerformPerform INQR Client Inquiry Request using TRAN HDR MEDS-ID.

The NO RECORD FOUND message indicates that the transaction MEDS ID is not known to MEDS.

  1. PerformPerform INQR Client Inquiry Request using X REF MEDS ID. 

  2. This screenThis screen indicates that the XREF MEDS ID is known to MEDS and has eligibility in a special program.

  3. This screenThis screen indicates all county cases including CalHEERS cases. In this case there are no previously used MEDS IDs displayed for this MEDS ID. If there were any, they would be displayed here.

  4. PerformPerform a Client ID search for the transaction CIN displayed on the alert.

  5. The Client IDThe Client ID search indicates that the MEDS ID most recently reported to SCI is associated with the transaction CIN.

  6. The Scored NameThe Scored Name search indicates that no matching records were found on SCI for the name, birthdate, and gender entered.

  7. The Fuzzy NameThe Fuzzy Name search indicates the same matching record as that on the Client ID search.

In this particular scenario it appears that the MEDS ID has been changed in CalSAWS and in SCI from the Pseudo MEDS ID to the real SSN but that MEDS has not been updated with the MEDS ID change.

Action Required

Use the following chart to determine corrective action when an individual is known to MEDS with a pseudo.

IF the individual is already known
to MEDS with a Pseudo...



  • Navigate to the Individual Demographics Detail page
  • Select the individual whose record needs correction
  • Open/Edit SSN Detail page
  • Delete the social security number
  • Rerun EDBC and authorize.
  • Ensure SSN is also removed in CalHEERS if there is a CalHEERS case associated to the CalSAWS case.
  • Check MEDS 2 days later. If MEDS is updated correctly, then
  • Enter the social security number in CalSAWS
  • Rerun EDBC and authorize
  • Check MEDS 2 days later.
  • Delete any unnecessary client correspondence that was generated.

Use the following chart to determine corrective action when an individual is known to MEDS with an incorrect social security number.

IF the individual is already known
to MEDS with an incorrect
social security number...



  • Navigate to the Individual Demographics Detail page
  • Select the individual whose record needs correction
  • Open/Edit SSN Detail page
  • Enter the correct social security number
  • Rerun EDBC and authorize.
  • Ensure correct SSN is updated in CalHEERS if there is a CalHEERS case associated to the CalSAWS case.
  • Check MEDS 2 days later
  • Delete any unnecessary client correspondence that was generated.

Related Topics

1109 - Release Date Cannot Be Earlier Than Incarceration Date - Pri-Rej

1501 - County ID/MEDS-ID Conflict - Critical

1502 - County-ID/Birthdate Conflict - Critical

1504 - Client Index Number/MEDS-ID VS County-ID/MEDS-ID Conflict - Critical

1506 - Update Transaction - Client Not Known to MEDS - Urgent

1507 - No Matching County-IDs Found For Case Update Transaction - Reject

1508 - SCI CIN/MEDS - ID Conflict - MEDS ID Change Required - Priority Reject

1509 - Two MEDS Records Have Same CIN; Chaining Required - Use EW11 - Priority Accept

1510 - Transaction Failed MEDS Birthdate/Name Match Criteria - Critical