1509 - Two MEDS Records Have Same CIN; Chaining Required - Use EW11 - Priority Accept

This alert is generated when two different MEDS IDs on MEDS are using the same Client Index Number (CIN). These two MEDS records are potentially duplicate records.

Sample Alert

Click herehere to view the sample alert.

Possible Screens to Resolve this Alert

  1. This screenThis screen shows that there have been previous file clearance alerts. A possible contributing cause to the current alert is that these previous alerts have not been worked; the county system continues to generate the batch transactions that are not matching MEDS because the underlying problem in the county system and/or MEDS has not yet been corrected.

  2. Enter MEDS IDEnter MEDS ID in INQN screen

  3. The resultsThe results of an INQN screen by the transaction MEDS ID displays a last name of CLIENT and an associated CIN of 9xxxxxxxE.

  4. Upon enteringUpon entering an S to go to the CLIENT INQUIRY SUMMARY screen, the most current MEDS ID is nnnnn111P, the associated CIN is 9xxxxxxxE, and the last name is CLIENT.

  5. Enter the client IDEnter the client ID on the INQN screen.

  6. The resultsThe results of an INQN screen by the MEDS ID displays a last name of CLIENT and an associated CIN of 9xxxxxxxE.

  7. Upon enteringUpon entering an S to go to the CLIENT INQUIRY SUMMARY screen, the most current MEDS ID is nnn-nn-111P, the associated CIN is 9xxxxxxxE, and the last name is CLIENT.

  8. EnterEnter the CIN in the INQN screen.

  9. The resultsThe results of an INQN screen by the CIN displays a last name of CLIENT and an associated CIN of 9xxxxxxxE.

  10. Upon enteringUpon entering an S to go to the CLIENT INQUIRY SUMMARY screen, the most current MEDS ID is nnn-nn-111P, the associated CIN is 9xxxxxxxE, and the last name is CLIENT.

  11. EnterEnter the name JJ CLIENT in the INQN screen.

  12. The resultsThe results of an INQN screen by the MEDS Name does not have an asterisk in the first column.

  13. Upon enteringUpon entering an S to go to the CLIENT INQUIRY SUMMARY screen, the most current MEDS ID is nnn-nn-2222, the associated CIN is 9xxxxxxxE, and the last name is CLIENT.

In this particular scenario it appears that there are two different records associated with a single CIN. However, this alert is generated for a variety of causes. Each scenario may require different MEDS screens to resolve.

Refer to Researching and Resolving File Clearance Alerts. Determine which scenario(s) best describes the circumstances for this alert. Follow the steps outlined in that document for the selected scenario.

Action Required

Determine whether the two MEDS IDs are for the same client. If the two MEDS IDs belong to the same client, they are duplicate records. The user should do an EW11 (Chain) transaction to combine the records.

If the two MEDS IDs belong to different clients, they are not duplicate records; they should be two separate MEDS records. After going through the proper channels, a GadWIN ticket must be generated for each record with the relevant MEDS and CalSAWS screen shots attached to request a new CIN for the last person added to MEDS.

Related Topics

1109 - Release Date Cannot Be Earlier Than Incarceration Date - Pri-Rej

1501 - County ID/MEDS-ID Conflict - Critical

1502 - County-ID/Birthdate Conflict - Critical

1503 - Client-Index-Number/MEDS-ID Conflict Critical

1504 - Client Index Number/MEDS-ID VS County-ID/MEDS-ID Conflict - Critical

1506 - Update Transaction - Client Not Known to MEDS - Urgent

1507 - No Matching County-IDs Found For Case Update Transaction - Reject

1508 - SCI CIN/MEDS - ID Conflict - MEDS ID Change Required - Priority Reject

1510 - Transaction Failed MEDS Birthdate/Name Match Criteria - Critical