2003 - MEDS-ID Birthdate Conflict - Critical

This alert is generated for MEDS-ID change transactions (e.g., EW 10’s) when:

  • The MEDS-ID on the transaction is known to MEDS; AND
  • The birthdate on the transaction header does not match the birthdate on the MEDS record for that MEDS-ID.

This alert is generated for client information update transactions (e.g., EW 12’s) when:

  • The MEDS-ID on the transaction is known to MEDS;
  • The birthdate on the transaction header does not match the birthdate on the MEDS record for that MEDS-ID;
  • The new birthdate, if reported on the transaction, does not match the birthdate on the MEDS record for the MEDS-ID; AND
  • There is no CIN reported on the transaction or the MEDS birthdate range editing criteria did not produce a sufficient match to be reasonably certain that the person on MEDS with the associated MEDS-ID is the same person on the county transaction.

Refer to MEDS Researching and Resolving File Clearance Alerts. Determine which scenario(s) best describes the circumstances for this alert. Follow the steps outlined in that document for the selected scenario.

Sample Alert

Click herehere to view the sample alert.

Possible Screens To Resolve This Alert

  1. SCI File ClearanceSCI File Clearance client ID search on the transaction MEDS ID.

  2. The date of birthdate of birth on SCI shows as 05/04/1988.

  3. Upon doing an INQUIRY SUMMARY by entering an S next to the name, the Client Inquiry Summary screenClient Inquiry Summary screen takes you to the MEDS record, which has a date of birth of 05/04/1981.

  4. SCI File Clearance fuzzy name searchfuzzy name search on the transaction name.

  5. Fuzzy name search resultsresults.

  6. MEDS Name Cross-Reference InquiryCross-Reference Inquiry on the transaction MEDS ID.

  7. MEDS Name Cross Reference Report INXN resultsINXN results.

Action Required

For MEDS-ID change transactions, determine which field (transaction header MEDS-ID or birthdate) holds the incorrect information and if the original update is still appropriate. Resubmit the transaction with the correct information.

Verify which birthdate is correct. Use the following chart to determine corrective action when an individual is known to MEDS with a different birthdate.

IF it is verified the
birthdate in
CalSAWS is...



Use a MEDS online transaction to correct the birthdate on MEDS (INQM and INQE) to match the birthdate on CalSAWS.


  • Navigate to the Individual Demographics Detail page.
  • Select the individual whose record needs correction.
  • Enter the birthdate that matches MEDS and save.
  • Rerun EDBC and authorize.
  • Check MEDS 2 days later.
  • Delete any unnecessary client correspondence that was generated.

Note: There is a limited range of changes on a validated SSN record. Refer to Correcting DOB/Name/Gender for Validated SSN for instructions.

Related Topics

2000 - MEDS ID Not on File - Priority Reject

2004 - ICT - County Code Same as County Code on File - Reject

2005 - Transaction County-ID Does Not Match MEDS - Critical

2015 - Recipient Already Active in Requesting County - Priority Reject

2017 - IPT or Other Active Client Change - Recipient Not Active - Urgent

2018 - County ID Change - Recipient Not Active - Reject

2020 - Recipient Not Active on MEDS/CDB - Reject

2022 - ICT - Recipient Not Active in Another County - Priority Reject

2030 - Buy-In Eligible - Contact Buy-In for HIC-NO Correction - Priority Accept