CWES Assessment - When to Refer for Assessment

In-House Assessment Referrals

A referral for a CWES In-House Assessment may be made when a client:

  • Does not obtain employment after completing any pre-Assessment job service activity.
  • Discloses a mental, emotional, physical, medical, or an illiteracy that negatively impacts the client’s ability to obtain and/or retain employment. This includes, but is not limited to domestic abuse, mental health and/or substance abuse (drug and/or alcohol).
  • Does not read or write in English or in their native language and this limitation negatively impacts the ability to obtain or retain employment.
  • Displays irregular behavior patterns that staff or service providers feel may negatively impact the ability to obtain or retain employment.
  • Fails to benefit from, or make progress in, the assigned activity due to significant barriers.
  • Requests that a change be made in the “Welfare-to-Work Plan Activity Assignment” (WTW 2) because ALL of the following apply:
  • The WTW 2 is no longer appropriate
  • Time on the 60-month clock remains, and
  • The Employment Counselor and Supervisor concur.
  • Attends an adult education program and the service provider recommends In-House Assessment.
  • Declares that a referral has been made to, or services are being received from, The State Department of Rehabilitation (DOR).
  • Is a child aged 16–17 who is not enrolled in, and regularly attending, school and has a CalWORKs penalty imposed.

Refer to School Attendance [EAS 42-719] for more information.

  • Is employed full-time and that individual needs or is requesting skills upgrades or other job advancement services.
  • Client wants to participate in WTW Plan activities beyond the Domestic Abuse Services.
  • Requires changes to their WTW Plan due to Domestic Abuse services and vocational goal changes.
  • Receives recommendation from Key to Success or DOR.
  • A student wants to change his/her SIP goal.
  • Student is interested in attending Gavilan Community College short-term certification program.

Refer to Referrals to Gavilan College for additional information.

SIP Changes Greater Than 30 Days

A SIP change is not allowed if greater than 30 days from the date the WTW Plan was signed. A participant who requests a change to their SIP must be referred to In-house Assessment (group testing) for the development of a Post-Assessment WTW Plan which includes:

  • An evaluation of the participant’s request,
  • Work history,
  • Education and training background,
  • Employability, and
  • Current SIP status.

Note: During the plan revision, the participant is required to participate in their SIP. Once the WTW Plan is revised, it becomes a Post-Assessment WTW Plan. The participant’s SIP status is ended. The Post-Assessment WTW Plan will include WTW activities which meet the federal core and weekly participation requirements.

Related Topics

CWES Assessment Overview

CWES Assessment - Disclosure of Medical Condition, Domestic Abuse, Mental Health, or Substance Abuse

CWES Assessment - CalWORKs 2.0

CWES Assessment - Referral for Assessment

CWES Assessment - Adult Education Transfers to Community College

CWES Post-Assessment Referrals After a Break In Cash Aid

CWES In-House Assessment Referral Procedures

CWES Assessment - Referrals to Gavilan College

CWES Assessment - Outcome of In-House Assessment Referral

CWES Assessment - Concurrent Assessment Referral for Continuing Clients

CWES Assessment - Completion

CWES Assessment - Tools And Process

CWES Post-Assessment Welfare-to-Work (WTW) Plan Development Process

CWES Assessment - Referral Summary Chart

CWES Assessment - Third-Party Assessment Procedures

CWES Assessment - Physical and Mental Capacities Questionnaires

CWES Assessment - Learning Disabilities

CWES Assessment - Occupational Background Checks