CWES Assessment - Concurrent Assessment Referral for Continuing Clients

Clients may be referred to a CWES In-House Assessment from an existing activity or between activities. Referral to Assessment must be concurrent to meet federal WPR requirements.

The EC will case conference with the Unit Supervisor or AC to determine if the referral is a single or concurrent activity.

Referral Procedures for Continuing Clients

The EC refers the client to Assessment as a single or concurrent activity by taking the following steps:

  1. Follows the existing office procedures to obtain the time and location of the Assessment.
  2. Completes the “Assessment Service Referral” CSF 7.
  3. Checks the appropriate “Service Requested” box.
  4. Obtains a CWES Individual Assessment or Group Testing appointment.
    1. North County: Follows the procedures listed in CWES Assessment - Adult Education Transfers to Community College.
    2. South County: Follows the procedures listed in CWES Assessment - Adult Education Transfers to Community College.
    3. 1879 Senter Rd.: The EC schedules the client for the next available appointment by calling the designated assessment scheduling phone number at (408) 758-3798 for Individual Assessment, or online for group testing.
  5. Completes the WTW 2 for Assessment in CalWIN and includes the appropriate second activity when concurrent.
  6. Issues the “Assessment Appointment” (CSF 7) and “CWES Self Assessment” (SCD 1771) and, when appropriate, the “Authorization to Release Medical Information” (CW 61) and asks the client to bring the completed forms to the appointment.
  7. Advises the client, if active with the State DOR, to bring a copy of the “Individual Plan for Employment” (IPE) to the appointment.

Exception: Upon completion of Group Testing, the AC will develop a WTW Plan.

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CWES Assessment - When to Refer for Assessment

CWES Assessment - CalWORKs 2.0

CWES Assessment - Referral for Assessment

CWES Assessment - Adult Education Transfers to Community College

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CWES In-House Assessment Referral Procedures

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CWES Assessment - Referral Summary Chart

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