CWES Post-Assessment Referrals After a Break In Cash Aid

If cash aid is discontinued, then restored, and there is a Post-Assessment WTW Plan in IDM and/or CalWIN, the guidelines in the proceeding sections must be followed at CWES Orientation.

SIP Review After a Break in Cash Aid

Clients who have a Post-Assessment WTW Plan but are currently enrolled in, or attending school and have time remaining on the 60-month time limit must be evaluated/reviewed for a SIP approval. The client is not sent back to Assessment.

Post-Assessment Restorations After a Break in Cash Aid

Clients who have a Post-Assessment WTW Plan are considered a Post-Assessment Restoration. A client is not sent back to Assessment. WTW Plans may be restored under the following conditions:

  • The client is not enrolled in, or attending school,
  • The existing Post-Assessment WTW Plan is appropriate, and
  • The client has time remaining on the 48-month time limit.

Post-Assessment WTW Plan Review After a Break in Cash Aid

Clients who have a Post-Assessment WTW Plan are referred to Assessment for a Post-Assessment WTW Plan Review under the following conditions:

  • The client is not enrolled in, or attending school,
  • The existing WTW Plan is not appropriate, and
  • The client has time remaining on the 60-month time limit.

The Employment Counselor must case conference with the supervisor and the supervisor must concur with the Post-Assessment Restoration referral.

If the client is enrolled in, or attending school, when the reapplication for cash aid is made, a SIP review MUST OCCUR before the Post-Assessment restoration or Post-Assessment WTW Plan review is considered.

Related Topics

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CWES Assessment - Disclosure of Medical Condition, Domestic Abuse, Mental Health, or Substance Abuse

CWES Assessment - When to Refer for Assessment

CWES Assessment - CalWORKs 2.0

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CWES In-House Assessment Referral Procedures

CWES Assessment - Referrals to Gavilan College

CWES Assessment - Outcome of In-House Assessment Referral

CWES Assessment - Concurrent Assessment Referral for Continuing Clients

CWES Assessment - Completion

CWES Assessment - Tools And Process

CWES Post-Assessment Welfare-to-Work (WTW) Plan Development Process

CWES Assessment - Referral Summary Chart

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