CWES Assessment - Completion

Interactive Assessment and “Employment Plan Report” (SCD 1773)

An interactive assessment is conducted by the AC while completing the assessment windows in CalWIN. In addition, the SCD 1773 must also be completed when the WTW Plan is developed and is scanned with the WTW 2 in IDM.

The SCD 1773 provides the rationale for the plan agreed upon by the AC or the Service Provider and the client. The SCD 1773 is used to briefly summarize the client’s:

  • Work history, employment skills, knowledge, and abilities
  • Educational History and present educational competency
  • Supportive service needs
  • Physical limitations, mental conditions, and other barriers to employment (or self-sufficiency)
  • Upon completion of the assessment the AC:
    • Develops the post-assessment WTW Plan in CalWIN,
    • Completes and signs the WTW 2 with the client,
    • Submits WTW 2 and all verifications for Imaging,
    • Emails/Alert the Employment Counselor with update to implement the post-assessment WTW Plan,
    • Completes Assessment Activity Status in CalSAWS,
    • Documents in CalSAWS Journal Detail page window.

“Welfare-To-Work Plan Activity Assignment” (WTW 2)

The WTW 2 includes the assigned activities and supportive services that will move the client into employment and self-sufficiency.

Refer to Welfare-to-Work (WTW) Plan for more information.

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