CWES Assessment - Outcome of In-House Assessment Referral

When the AC refers a client back to the EC and/or documents that the individual shows or did not show for a scheduled appointment, the AC will follow the table below:

If the Client...


Show for Individual Assessment,

Updates the Assessment Activity Status in CalWIN to first day of attendance, and

Sends an email/CalSAWS Alert to the EC.

Documents in CalSAWS Case Comments that the client showed for their scheduled assessment appointment.

Develops the post-assessment WTW Plan.

No Shows for Individual Assessment,

Updates the CalSAWS Assessment Activity Status to no show, and

Documents in CalSAWS Case Comments that the client was a no show for their scheduled assessment appointment.

Shows for Group Testing,

Updates the CalSAWS Assessment Activity Status to first day attendance.

Enters Comments on CalSAWS Maintain Status History window in the [Status Notes] field.

Develops the post-assessment WTW Plan.

No shows for Group Testing,

Updates the CalSAWS Assessment Activity Status to no show.

Sends an email/CalSAWS Alert to the EC.

Documents in CalSAWS Case Comments that the client was a no show for their Group Testing appointment.

Note: The EC will make a cause determination before referring the client back to Assessment.

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